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Brooklyn finished her grading and put it into her bag. She sighed and looked at her sleeping boyfriend. A small knock at the door sounded gently. Gingka had just left, so who was it? Norman Tategami, Ryo's best friend? No. The doctor entered the door with a solemn look. "Dr. Oken!" Brooklyn said, standing. "Miss deeds, we need to talk to you. Is...he awake?" The man asked, glancing at Ryo. "No." Brooklyn said, shaking her head. "Well, the damage from his hit, especially to his spinal Column, and quite honestly, I don't even know how he physically survived. I don't know why. He should have died on impact." The doctor said. All the talk of her boyfriends death? Not settling well. She swiped at some tears. "I'm sorry to upset you miss deeds. He's a very lucky man, and he's not dead. He won't die but he may or may not be paralyzed from the waist down..." he explained carefully. Brooklyn's heart stopped. Fuck me. She thought. "I see." She said, her voice broken. "Are there any estimites? Is there a better chance he might not be paralyzed?" Brooklyn asked. "Well it depends on how well he can walk after we wakes up. We can determine from that." He explained. Brooklyn felt like dying. "I'll give you two a minute." The doctor said lightly. Brooklyn stared at her boyfriend. How ironic. He ran track, played football and soccer in highschool, and now he may not be able to even walk. She honestly, couldn't care less if he never walked again. She just knew he would more than likely commit suicide. He had a bad problem with not being able to move. It hurt when he didn't. A small grunt came from her boyfriend and he removed his oxygen mask. "Hola" he said. "You may not be able to walk ever again."



The words spilled out of her mouth like vomit. The look on his face killed her inside. "Nice one Brooklyn." He smiled. She didn't have the heart, but told him she was not kidding. Ryo's smile faded and he put his head in his hands. "Fuck. That means there is a possibility that Gingka's gonna be taller than me." Brooklyn laughed. "You don't know the struggle babe! I've been tall my entire life! And now there's a chance I could be the shortest compared to them." Ryo said, referring to his 3 identical siblings. "hey, can you walk?" Brooklyn asked. "I think." He said. He stood up and waked around the room. The doctor looked in. "Ah. Mr. Hagane. Lovely to see you." He said, nodding and smiling. Brooklyn looked at the doctor hopefully. "Yes, the chances are raised. There is a chance he will be able to walk."

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