I don't like her already

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Chapter 11

Casey's pov

" Vic." This girl screeched. I'd say she was in her 20s but seriously she looked like a total slut and I'm guessing she was one. " Vic help me with my bags." She yelled. " Bitch." Both Mike and Maisie mumbled getting a death glare from my dad. " Coming babe." Vic ran over to her and my jaw dropped. I turned to the guys and they all looked pissed including Maisie. " What's going on." I wisperd to her. " That's Vic's slut of a girlfriend." Great now there's gonna be a bitch getting in the way of me and my dad. I'm so glad my mum and Mark left because if they didn't my mum would be so pissed, she HATES bitches and snobbish people. " Guys let's go get on the plane I can't be bothered to see her at the moment, I think I can speak for everyone even including Casey that we all hate her." Jaime said and everyone nodded. We all got on the plane and got settled. I was sitting next to Maisie, Tony and Mike was behind us, Jamie was sitting next to there manager and unfortunately my dad and the bitch were in front of us. When I saw dad and the bitch walk over to us I put my music on and my hood up over my face so they couldn't see me. They sat in front of us and dad gave me a sad look I tried to smile but I just couldn't. Please let this get better and not carry on being awkward. Maisie tapped me on the shoulder so I took out my earphones and turned my music off. " We should both go to sleep it's gonna be a long trip." I nodded. " Where are we going first." " Pomona." I smiled, I've always wanted to go to different places I haven't before. " Maybe are dads can let us go on a shopping day sometime too." She laughed then smiled. " If their in a good mood." We heard to fake gasped then saw Mike And Vic standing up looking at us hurt so we just burst out with laughter which the causes everyone to laugh apart from the grumpy bitch. " We better go to sleep because I think their gonna kill us." " Wait wouldn't they have more chance to kill us when we're asleep."  We both talked a little bit more then after that I closed my eyes to go to sleep.

_______ Skipping half the flight _______ \_____________________________________/

I was woken by someone shaking me by my arm. " Casey wake up." I slowly opened my eyes to see that it was Maisie that woke me up. " Yeah what is it." I asked waking myself up more. " We're gonna land soon and everyone is still asleep." She laughed awkwardly. " Oh okay you wake up Tony and Mike and I'll wake up the rest." She nodded and got up from her seat to wake up them two and I got out my seat to wake up Jaime and pierce the veils manager, Michele, first. " Jaime, Michele wake up." I shook both their arms trying to wake them up. Luckily Michele woke up and said he'll get Jaime up so I went to go wake up Vic and the bitch. But before I did I went to go check on how Maisie was doing getting Mike and Tony up. Tony was awake and Mike still looked like he could pass out any minute now. " Well least you got them two awake, ish." " Yer takes forever to get my dad up because he's such a lazy ass." Mike opened his eyes fully giving his daughter a death glare which she happily returned. " Okay I'm gonna go wake up Vic and the bitch." All three of them nodded and I walked over to Vic's seat. I shook his arm but nothing happened. " Wake up, wake up." " Hey get your hands off my boyfriend." The bitch said looking pissed. " I can do what ever I like, wake up." Dad slowly opened his eyes and when he saw me he smiled. " Hey what's up princess." The bitches jaw dropped and gave both me and him a death glare. " We're going to land soon so me and Maisie's waking every one up but I still think Jaime's asleep." He chuckled. " Yer that sounds like him, well if we're about to land go back in your seat, I'm not letting you get hurt." To late for that. I did as he said and went back to my seat. Maisie sat their on her phone so I decided to do the same, after a while I got bored so I started talking to Maisie again. " Hey have you met all the bands." I asked. " Nah not all of them I've met a couple expescially sleeping with sirens." I laughed at that. " I'm guessing you haven't met any band apart from pierce the veil." " Kinda I've got best friend from a band." " Well the first band your probably going to meet when we get there is sleeping with sirens because when Vic told them that he had a daughter they were screaming." " Girls let's go the planes landed." Mike said we both laughed because we didn't even realise it. All of us walked of the plane, got are bags then walked over to the massive tour bus. When we walked in I was shocked. " Okay guys we have 6 bunks what's the arrangement." " Well how about me and Lexy have the bedroom then everyone else has their own." We all nodded. The bunking plan went Mike at the top right, Michele at the top left, Maisie in the 2nd bunk on the right, me in the 2nd bunk on the left, Jaime at the bottom right and Tony at the bottom on the left. I put my bags on my bed them went into the living room were Maisie was dancing around with kerrang on. I started to join but when still into you by paramore came on I join in singing with Hayley. Hayley Williams is just mother fucking perfect, I love her sooo much no words can be enough to describe it. She's amazing, skinny, she's a great person, amazing voice, lush hair, kind,  really really pretty I could go on for years talking about what's great about her. When the song finished I heard clapping come from behind me. I turned around to see Tony, Mike, Jaime, Vic and Michele clapping and looking amazed. " Casey your amazing at singing like seriously." Dad said giving me a huge. " Yer Casey you should really be a singer."

* Picture of Lexy *

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