Spill the beans

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Chapter 32

( Casey's pov )

" You're pregnant." I said, shock filled my voice. Spark nodded. " Who's the dad, how far are you, who else knows." " I'm 3 weeks through and at the moment only you know." " Spark who's the father." " Promise you won't say anything to anyone." " I promise." " Cc is the father." Yet again my jaw dropped. " When did you two get close." " It just happened Casey." " Just happened." " Yeah it was the day we had the family meeting." " Ohh I think I've got the perfect thing." " What." " Because both off us need a lazy day let's go back to the ptv bus and go on Netflix." " Attack on titan." " Of course." I said.

Maisie's pov

Calm down Maisie, it's not that big of a deal, j can get through this. " Who am I kidding I'm doomed." I said out loud. Once again I picked up the card that was out side the bus and read through it again.

' Secrets, lies and pain. That's all you're going to feel and I'll be there watching it all. I'll have you soon my little kitty, you'll always be mine. ALWAYS.'

What does he mean. I was lost in though so I didn't see someone behind me. " Maisie are you okay." I turned around to see Casey and Spark. " Umm yeah, I'm fine." They nodded but didn't look convinced. " Maisie I also need to tell you something." I looked at Spark confused. " I need to tell you guys something as well." " What the... am I the only one that doesn't have something to say." Casey said whinning. " That's a first." I said laughing and soon they both joined me. " Meanie."

* Casey's pov *

" So now that we're all sitting down, spill the beans." I screamed. They both looked at me with a ' are you crazy ' look. " NO IM NOT CRAZY, my mum had me checked." The both laughed at my words and so did I. " Okay so who's going first." " I will." Maisie said in a low wisper. " I have a feeling I should go get some tissue." I said getting up. " Sit down you weirdo." Maisie said pushing me back down onto the couch. " Okay guys um I use to date this person and um he's back and um how can I explain this." " Maisie please your scaring me." Spark said. " He's stalking me and said he won't stop intill I'm his again." " Oh my fucking god Maisie, why didn't you tell us, we could of helped you." Spark now had tears down her face and I could feel a tear roll down my face. " Can we please talk about this later I need some good news." Maisie said looking at us, pleading for one of us to give some good news. " I'll leave this for you to do Spark." She nodded while getting rid of her tears. " Um well Casey already knows but Maisie, I'm pregnant." " Holy mother of the Ways." Maisie screamed. " Are you mad." " Mad, mad why the hell would I be mad I'm so happy for you." They hugged and then I thought of something I should tell them. " Um guys I do have something to tell you." " So now it's your time to spill the beans." I giggled at Spark's comment. " I'm dating Kellin Quinn actually no I was dating Kellin." " YOU WERE DATING KELLIN." I turned around to see a very angry looking Vic fuentes.

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