Chapter 4 - Protected for the first time Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Yes, please. Let me just jot down where I live, okay?" Erwin graciously acquiesced, releasing the bashful damsel from his grasp. Mikasa, ever the connoisseur of human interactions, delighted in observing her two male companions as they handled Nina, who appeared to them as a timid lamb. With a subtle grumble under her breath, Nina gently nudged her friend's shoulder before making her way into the dressing room. From within its confines, she sent Erwin a brief message, ensuring he possessed her esteemed address.

Upon returning to her apartment, Nina found herself with a mere hour remaining to ponder over her attire for the evening's festivities. A meticulous examination of her extensive wardrobe left her perplexed, as the abundance of garments failed to inspire her. So many choices, yet so few ideas on what to wear. A gown would be excessive, while donning a simple sweater and jeans might be too casual, failing to convey her true potential as a woman. Leaving a lasting impression on the multitude of potential new acquaintances was of utmost importance, necessitating Nina to appear more than just presentable. With a flourish, she spread every article of clothing across her bed, ultimately settling on her beloved bright blue jeans, which possessed an ethereal quality, shimmering like ivory under certain lighting.

Thanks to the transformative effects of her training with Mikasa, Nina's slimmer figure granted her access to a plethora of forgotten treasures within her wardrobe. Garments that had long been neglected now embraced her once again, filling her with boundless optimism and enthusiasm. The jeans hugged her form flawlessly, akin to a second skin, elegantly cascading down to cover her ankles. As for her top, she selected a resplendent dark blue tunic, gracefully draping itself just below her posterior. Delicate embroidery adorned its 3/4 sleeves, while a captivating arrangement of encrusted faux gemstones adorned the area surrounding her décolletage. A pair of understated black ballet pumps would serve as the perfect complement, ensuring that the tunic's femininity remained unobscured by any ostentatious accessories.

In the realm of elegance and opulence, Nina harbored a distaste for adorning her visage with cosmetic embellishments. However, with the imminent arrival of Erwin, time was of the essence, leaving her with a mere half hour to prepare herself. With a touch of finesse, she applied a modest coat of black mascara to her lashes, accompanied by a delicate layer of light-golden eyeshadow. A light rose lipstick completed her ensemble, adding a touch of allure to her countenance.

Having completed her preparations and luxuriating in the aftermath of a refreshing shower, Nina stood resplendent, dressed to captivate in a casual yet chic ensemble.
As Nina concluded the meticulous process of blow-drying her lustrous mane, the resounding chime of the doorbell reverberated through her abode. Without a doubt, Erwin had arrived to pick her up. Hastening to the entrance of her apartment, she pressed the button on the intercom, granting him access. The sound of weighty footsteps echoed through the stairwell, ascending to the uppermost floor where Nina's flat resided. Yet, amidst the audible commotion, she discerned the presence of another set of footsteps. Could it be that Erwin was accompanied by someone else?

Upon their arrival at her lofty apartment, Nina's eyes widened in astonishment. To her surprise, Levi stood alongside Erwin, both gentlemen impeccably attired. Standing in the doorway, she gazed in awe at the two dashing figures as they approached her apartment. Erwin wasted no time in enveloping Nina in a tender embrace, even bestowing a gentle peck upon her cheek. Still entranced by their presence, she couldn't help but admire their undeniable allure. Erwin, clad in dark-blue denim and a crisp white button-up shirt, left the top two buttons undone, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of his sculpted pectorals, while the contours of his physique remained tantalizingly concealed, leaving much to her imagination.

Levi, on the other hand, presented a striking contrast. Adorned entirely in ebony from head to toe, he exuded an air of enigmatic allure. Black jeans, black shoes, and a black jacket were accentuated by the sole contrast of a vibrant red collared shirt. Nina had always been enamored by the harmonious fusion of black and red, but on Levi, it transcended mere admiration, leaving her utterly spellbound. Lost in a reverie of admiration, only the dulcet tones of Erwin's voice could rouse her from her insatiable gaze.

Past doesn't matter (Levi x OC x Erwin) AU/modern +18Where stories live. Discover now