"Tyler! You're not even listening to me, you asshole," Josh interrupted, an annoyed look on his face.

"Sorry, J," Tyler gave him a sheepish smile.

Josh scoffed. "I'm picking you up at eight. Wear something cool. Don't look like a fucking dork for once. It's embarrassing," he said before walking off.


Tyler grimaced at himself in the mirror. "Mads, I don't know," he sighed, turning around to look at his 13 year old sister. "Are you sure this is cool?"

"Yes, Ty," Maddy replied. "I'm surrounded by snobby middle schoolers I know what's cool and what isn't," she assured.

Tyler looked back at himself, staring at what his little sister dressed him in: a white shirt, black jeans, black Vans, a green bomber jacket, and a black cap that he was pretty sure was Josh's.

He grabbed his cologne off of his dresser and sprayed just enough for him to smell good but not too much that would cause Maddy to start over-dramatically coughing.

"I don't even know why you're going if you don't want to," Maddy piped up.

"I'm going for Josh. It's what best friends do."

"Uh huh..." she trailed off. "Because he didn't take into consideration how much you didn't want to go or anything."

"Too late now," Tyler shrugged. "He's here."

"Wait how do you know—"

"Tyler! You whore! Hurry up!" Josh yelled, the sound of him coming up the stairs evident.

"That's creepy," Maddy stated.

"Josh!" He heard his mom scold upon the language Josh had used.

"Sorry, Mama J," a moment later Tyler's door opened and Josh poked his head in. "Hey, slut. Are you ready?"

"Yeah," Tyler grabbed his phone and wallet and shoved them in his pocket.

"Is that my hat?"

Tyler looked up, smiling apologetically. "Yeah. I found it and just put it on. Do you want it back?"

Josh shook his head. "Nah. It's cute. You look cute. Good work. Let's go," he winked, walking back out.

Maddy looked at Tyler. "Do you like—"

Tyler shook his head. "Nah. He just acts like that. I like someone else. Besides, Josh is straight anyway."

"Okay..." she responded, unconvinced.

"Bye, Mads," Tyler bid farewell as they walked out of his room, her going into her own. He hurried down the stairs to see Josh waiting by the door. "Bye, Mom!"

"Be back by midnight," she replied from the kitchen. "Love you."

"Got it! Love you too," he turned to Josh. "Ready?"

"Yeah," he twirled his car keys around his finger, opening the door and walking out. Tyler shut it behind them and followed his best friend to his car.

They got in and Josh pulled out of the driveway, turning the radio on so it was quietly playing.

"God I am so horny," he groaned, resting his left elbow on the door and leaning his head in his hand.

"Uh..." Tyler blinked. "Thanks for sharing."

"I'm telling you this because I'm winning that chick over and if you fuck it up I'm gonna be real pissed."

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