Migraine // Zach

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Request for Allison__2

Just a disclaimer. All the request but one are about Zach, so sorry for the repetition. I don't mind though, and I apologize if you do. ;);) Also, this story is also about the boys not believing him, and I tried a little bit different kind of organization.

Word Count: 1524

General POV


The only thing Zach could feel. It was a full day of work, and Zach felt like rolling over and dying right then and there. The pain was to painful to even be described, other than your head being beaten in with a mallet continuously. He didn't even feel like getting out of bed, or opening his eyes, or moving his arm to turn on his bedside lamp. Not only did the headache make everything painful, but it made him extremely nauseous.

All he could think to do, was lay there, and wait for one of the boys to come wake him. So he could tell them how utterly horrible he felt. As if on queue, Jonah casually walks in the door of Zach's bedroom.

"Come on, we have to get ready for an interview", he says about to leave.

"Jo", Zach says, feeling his head throb with the small whisper.

"Yeah", Jonah says.

"I feel horrible. My head is in so much pain, and I feel nauseous", Zach admits.

"You felt fine last night. I'm sure it's nothing some toast, eggs and Advil can't fix", Jonah says with a cheesy grin.

"No you don't understand. I can't even describe it. I don't know if I can even go to the interview", Zach says.

Jonah's face falls. "Just come eat and have some medicine. All of us have off days, so just suck it up. We only have one thing to do today, and then you can come home and sleep or whatever", Jonah says.

"But- no buts", he interrupts Zach.

"Get up and be downstairs in 15 minutes, okay", Jonah says before leaving the room and going downstairs.

Zach sits up ever so slowly, taking 6 minutes just to put his feet on the floor. When he finally did indeed stand, he immediately regretted it. Zach rests his hand on his forehead, putting a hand on the wall to steady himself. He walks to his closet, and puts on a simple black shirt, jeans, zip up jacket, and converse. Zach walks out of his bedroom and goes downstairs, taking each step slowly while holding on to the rail.

"Morning sleepy head", Jonah says.

Zach wants to reply, but he decides that his head already hurts enough as it is. Instead, he sits down at the table, resting his head in his hands. All Zach wanted was for the boys to understand.

He didn't even know why he came down in the first place. It's not like he was going to eat anything, and he's not going to talk to anybody. Zach just sits there, pushing away the food Jonah puts in front of him.

"Come on dude. Eat something", Jonah insists.

Zach looks at the food and wants to gag.

"Stop trying to sell the act. We get it that you don't wanna go to the interview, but stop acting sick", Jonah says.

"I mean come on. We all-", Jack interrupts Jonah.

"Jo chill. Zach does looks a little pale and out of it. The last thing he needs is a lecture, so just lay of a little", he says.

"You're right, I'm sorry", Jonah says.

Zach nods ever so slightly, then pushes away from the table. He was glad that Jack spoke up. "I'm just not hungry. I'll be fine. I had a good dinner last night", he says painfully. Zach stands up slowly and walks over to the couch in the living room. Sitting down, he closes his eyes trying to fall asleep, but can't.

WDW Sickics/OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ