Torn ACL // Zonah

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Word Count: 1,264

Sorry if this isn't that good. It's extremely unedited, but I actually am low key proud of it. Please enjoy and vote! Also just to add, every time I spelled Corbin as Corbyn, it said it was wrong. :| I'm speechless.

That morning, Zach, Daniel, Corbyn, Jack and Jonah went to the trampoline park to be normal teenagers for just a day. It was going great, until it wasn't.

"Yo Zach. Check this out", Jonah yells from a few trampolines down. "I just learned how to do a triple back, and it feels awesome", Jonah adds. "I'm watching", Zach says getting on flat ground. Jonah takes a few big jumps, then launches backwards, doing three backflips, and landing it perfectly. "Dang, Jo. I bet you could teach me", Zach said. "There's not much to teach. Just jump high and go for it", Jonah replies. Zach steps onto one of the super trampolines, and starts jumping. After about 8 high bounces, he flips a double, and lands it. "Nice. More air and faster rotation, and a triple will be easy", Jonah says. Zach nods and begins to jump higher this time. As he gets to his 10th jump, he decides to go for it. After hitting the trampoline one more time, he jumps up, flips backwards 3 times, and almost sticks the landing. Almost.

As Zach comes down, his right knee buckled as he lands. After hearing a small pop, he falls to the ground, scooting off the trampoline. "So close dude!", Jonah says. His expression changes when he sees Zach's pained face. "You good?", he asks. Zach tries to stand, but the pain is so unbearable, that he falls right back down. "I did something to my knee, I think", Zach says with his eyes sealed shut. "Did you hear a pop, Zach?", Jonah asks. "Yeah. I felt it too". Zach winces a little clutching his leg. Jonah spots Corbyn, Jack and Daniel in the dodgeball court messing around. "Dani, Jack, Corb! Come here!", Jonah yells. The three boys set down the dodgeballs, and run over to Jonah. Jack notices Zach on the floor, obviously in great pain. "What wrong with Zach?", he asks. "I tried a triple, and I- buckled my knee", he says pausing to wince. Daniel gets down to Zach's level, and looks him in the eyes. He's almost on the verge of crying from the constant pain. "It's bad, huh bud", Daniel says putting a hand on Zach's shoulder. Zach just nods, but doesn't verbally reply. "Did you hear it pop?", Corbyn chimes in. Zach nods and inhales a sharp shaky breath. "I could feel it too", he adds. The other four boys shiver at the sound of this. "I think it your ACL, Zach. We need to get you to a doctor", Jonah says. "Can you walk?", Jack asks. "I'll try", he replies. With Jonah on his left and Corbyn on his right, Zach uses their supporter attempt to stand. But even barely moving causes Zach agonizing pain. Before he even centimeters off the ground, he stops the boys. "Ow, ow, ow! Stop, st-stop", Zach pleads. The boys quickly set him back on the ground, which gives Zach's knee even more irritation. He decides to look at his knee, since he was wearing shorts. The sight almost made him vomit. Zach, now completely sobbing and wide eyed, taps Jonah's leg. "I know bud. We're gonna call an ambulance, ok?", he says. "N-no, Jo, l-look at m-my knee", Zach says. As Corbyn goes to find an employee, Jonah peers over at Zach's knee. He too feels queasy from the sight of it. "Oh my god", he whispers. Jack sits next to Zach and holds him without moving his leg whatsoever. "It's like a pain y-you can't st-stop. It's constant", Zach sobs. "I know bud", he replies. Eventually the manager comes up to the young boy, not needing to ask questions seeing his knee. "Hey, can you tell me your name?", the young employee asks. "Z-Zach", he replies still sobbing. "Okay Zach. An ambulance is on its way. Does anything else hurt besides your leg?", he asks. Zach shakes his head no. The employee walks away to watch for the ambulance. Jack leaves to pack up everyone's stuff for less hassle. Jonah sits next to Zach and strokes his hair. He grabs onto the younger boys hand, and squeezes. "Squeeze as hard as you need to Zachy. I know it hurts", Jonah says. Zach takes a tighter grip on Jonah's hand, and squeezes for dear life.

When the ambulance arrived, Zach's condition had already worsened severely. The pain was so bad, that he couldn't scream or talk. His knee was also swelling by the minute. He just wished it could all be over.

As the medics lifted Zach onto a stretcher, he squeezed Jonah's hand so tight that it made his knuckles white. He almost screamed as he was carried outside, but only a small cry came out from clenching his teeth. Zach couldn't say anything, and he couldn't scream. The long ride to the hospital was hell for Zach. Jonah ended up going with the boy, knowing that he was the oldest, and always carried the insurance cards. Every minor bump, or tiny pothole, made Zach feels like he was hurting himself all over again. Every single time. When Zach squeezed super hard, Jonah didn't stop him. He knew how much Zach was hurting, and just wanted him to get fixed. Within 5 minutes of riding the ambulance, Zach passes out from the crying and pain. Jonah is almost relieved, knowing that Zach can't feel as much pain anymore.

Small Time Skip:

Zach regains consciousness in a hospital bed. He looked over at this right arm, finding 2 IV's and a vital tracker on his finger. Only then, does he realize the throbbing pain in his knee. He cries out in pain, clenches his eyes shut, and grips the bed frame. Jonah hears the young boys cry, and stands up to run over to him. "Hey, hey, hey. It's ok. I'll get you some pain meds", Jonah says with a grip on Zach's shoulder. Zach looks down at his knee. It's now in a knee brace, and propped up on a couple of pillows. Zach looks at Jonah in confusion, and Jonah realizes it right away. "You may not remember, but you tore your ACL at Tempest. So you passed out in the ambulance, but when we got here they had to examine it. They have you a bunch of sedatives to knock you, then they put it in a brace. Now we're here", Jonah explains. It all hits Zach like a wave. He realizes that he's injured, in the hospital, and in pain. A sharp sting in his knee rushes in very suddenly. Zach arches his back, gripping the bed post and wincing. "Jo. I need meds or something. It hurts so bad", Zach says through his tightly clenched teeth. Jonah leaves the room, and not only comes back with a nurse, but the other three members of the band. "Hey bud. How are you?", Jack asks. Zach still feeling the stinging in his knee wants to reply, but can't. Jack sees his pained face, and tells the nurse to get some pain meds. The nurse does so and leaves the 5 boys be. The pain meds were so strong, that they made Zach loopy. Sooner than later, he was fast asleep.

Eventually, Zach returned home with a brace, a wheelchair and strict pain meds. Zach had to exercise his knee each day, which hurt, but it helped him heal. Eventually, Zach was all healed and returned to the trampolines park once again. But he was never, going to try a triple again.

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