Nighttime Celebration

Start from the beginning

I sighed, clambering down into the stable I quickly checked her wound and found it neatly closed and clean. I loved magic. I smiled as she nuzzled my pockets searching for food. I flopped down into the warm straw pulling one of graces rugs on top of me holding it close and taking in the warm comforting smell. There was a chill in the air that held the threat of frost and sent a shiver down my spine. Winter was coming and I was not looking forward to it.

I sighed laying my head on the wall next to me, Grace had seemed to have forgotten my presence as she turned and continued eating her hay. I wondered if it was as easy to forget people? To simply turn your back on them and walk away. I had found it nearly impossible with Oliver. His image filled every waking moment and every dream. So I wondered how someone could simply leave and never come back? How "He" had held me in his arms, given me a name and yet upon our next meeting tried to kill me. How my mother had walked out of my life...and how I had walked out of hers. I grew tired of my conflicting thoughts and felt my eyelids grow heavier with each passing minute. Until finally they closed, my last thought going to Oliver and what I would do the next time we met. Would I run? Would I fall?

When I woke all was dark, the whole barn seemed infinitely bigger as shadows cast pictures on the floor. Grace lay peacefully next to me and Varna had even climbed her way onto my knee. Looking up I could see Meathor fluffed up on one of the beams. How long had I slept for? I shifted underneath the rug waking the sleeping cat in the process and she shot off into the night.

"Oh Varna." I scolded, drawing my wand.
"Lumos." I whispered illuminating the barn. Big brown eyes blinked sleepily at me and I scratched Graces ear as I passed. Glancing out of the barn door I gulped. No lights shone welcomingly, what time was it? I carefully picked my way from the barn through the courtyard and corridors, up the stairs and passed the many sleeping portraits. Reaching the newly repaired portrait of the "Fat Lady" I stopped. The rotunded woman sat perched on her stool her eyes closed and light snores echoing from her. I cleared my throat.

"Umm...excuse me? Hello?" The lady snorted loudly startling herself and flailed her arms above her head to regain her balance. She stared down at me with shock.

"Goodness child! Do you not know it rude to wake a sleeping lady?" I smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry My Lady I just wished to gain access." She seem utterly unimpressed with my excuse, she growled quietly and swung open allowing me access to the common room.

"Thank you." I whispered cheerfully, which only earned a grunt in response. I sighed, I guess I probably would have responded in the same way if someone had woke me up.

I scarpered through quickly entering the darkened passage way. Shadows flickered and the faint sound of laughter floated to me. As I emerged slowly in to the light I was immediately surrounded by some kind of celebration. A large crowd encompassed the sofas surrounding the fireplace. They laughed and joked frequent uproarious cheers sounded and shook the room. I knew many of the faces present, Ryan Rudd, Katie Bell, Julia Morris, Fred and George Weasley. All of them Quidditch players or friends of...Oliver. The boy in question sat in one of the high backed chairs, the same one from this morning. I watched him through a gap in the crowd. His face so happy and carefree , almost childlike in his glee. A hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder and looking up I smiled. Ryan stood, all sandy hair and smiles looking down at me.

"Hey." It was one short word and yet it held such comfort.

"Hey." I smiled, "What's going on?" He glanced back over to the group and following his gaze I watched as well.

"Oliver's been accepted into Puddlemere." I gasped. Puddlemere? It had been his dream and now...his future, but was it mine? "Our" future seemed very hazy at the moment with the seemingly constant changes in attitude towards each other how could we possible plan something when we were so unsure of ourselves? Maybe...maybe this was our fork in the road.

The fingers on my shoulders squeezed gently, drawing my attention back to my comforter.

"You okay?" Ryan's golden eyebrow lifted delicately upon his sun kissed face. A large lump had formed in my throat and I struggled to swallow it, my shaking breath and hands made it clear I wasn't okay. Why hadn't he told me? Why hadn't he been worried where I was? Had he come in late also? Did he just not care? Taking a deep breath I nodded, clearing my throat loudly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm...fine." Turning away from my friend I quickly hid my watery eyes.

"I'm happy for him...I really am." And with that I left walking up stairs and to my bed. Invisible, unwanted, alone.

(AuthorsNote- And as an anniversary celebration I will also post the first chapter of "The Dark Lords Daughter: Deaths First Touch" on the same day :) that is my promise to you all for being so awesome. Please keep commenting and as always thank for reading xxx)

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