"Everyone, this is Anna. Anna, this is everyone." I laughed nervously, as they smiled kindly.

"N-nice to meet you all." I stuttered, mentally scolding myself for doing so.

"Aww, she's cute." A girl sat in the corner commented, I hadn't ever met her before or seen her round school, but she seemed nice enough.

"I'm Julia." She smiled stretching out her hand for me to shake.

"And this..." She pointed to the boy next to her."is Henry, Jacob, Katie and next to you in Ryan." Looking beside me I smiled at the sandy counted boy.

"Oliver's told us a lot about you." Julia continued, her sea green eyes were kind and honest. I looked to Oliver, but his gaze was focused elsewhere. Squashed on the end of the opposite bench sat a familiar face. Katie Bell. I shrunk back into my friends protective side and he seemed to jolt out of his daze, wrapping his arm round my shoulder securely. What was going on?

   As the hours ticked by Oluver continued to a t strangely, he was over exuberant and unnaturally attentive towards me. Constantly creating contact between us, whether placing my arm round my shoulders on a hand on my leg. Just something to keep connection, yet I someways he was completely ignoring me. He hadn't spoken properly to me since I had sat down. Only talking about me to his friends, I felt like a pet, an animal and I soon had had enough.

"Excuse me, I just going to the restroom." I said politely, slipping for under Oliver's arm.

"I'll come with you." Julia stood as I went to grab my rucksack and Varnas carry-case.

"Oh, don't worry they'll look after them." I grimaced to the floor, but lowered them back down. Straightening the elder girl smiled at me and gestured for me to lead the way. As we walked together towards the small bathroom she began to speak.

"Is Oliver always like that towards you?" Her question took me off guard and I pause in my stride.

"What do you mean?" She too stopped, sighing.

"Is his always so...full on?" I shook my head.

"No, I have no idea what's wrong with him at the moment." I slumped against the wall and ran my fingers through my hair. Glancing back towards our compartment, I narrowed my eyes. Oliver was walking away from us, his red hooded sweater making him stand out against the darkening corridor.

"Excuse me for one second." I apologised to Julia, my heart was beating hard as I started after him. What was he doing? He could be going to the restroom, that was the other way. The only thing in that direction was the luggage cart. I slunk sticking to the shadows. Something was wrong I could feel it, he was acting so strangely. The carefree boy I loved had now disappeared, but...why? I watched hypnotised as he checked his surroundings before slipping through the heavy metal door of the end carriage. I followed, slipping through the door before it closed. He stood my back to me the dim light casting a shadow over his face. Was he doing this on purpose, had he led me here to talk? He must have known I would follow. My mind laughed at my over reaction, my frayed nerves sparking violently and causing crazy ideas to form in my mind. I chuckled mentally. Of course he knew. I crept silently behind him, stretching up onto my tiptoes I placed my hand lightly over his eyes.

"Guess who." I whispered, smiling as he reached up to take my fingers. He brought them down to his lips and kissed my palms tenderly. Humming with happiness, he parted his lips, bringing my hand to rest on either side of his collarbone.

"Katie." He rasped, his voice sending a shiver down my frozen spine. I pulled my hands from his grasp quickly, eyes wide and confused. I must have startled him with my action, as he turned. His hazel pools met mine and froze with fear.

"Anna?" My bottom lip trembled dangerously and tears pricked in my eyes.

"Katie?" I hiccuped, scarily close to sobs.

"Anna, please it was a joke." He smiled but it didn't meet his eyes, he was lying.

"You thought I was her," I gasped for breath, my lung burning.

"Oliver?" Turning anger bubbled inside me, there she stood, blond hair and pale skin. Looking innocent and slightly evil, I turned back to the stunned brunette

"Sorry to disappoint." With that I turned and ran, shoving passed her and opening  the door with all my strength. I took off up the train, my heart slowly breaking and my eye streaming with tears. Who could he? He said he loved me, how could someone do that to the person they loved? I ran straight to the compartment, Ryan and Jacob took in my tear stained face and scrambled into protective mode.

"Anna? What's wrong?"Jacob asked, his dark eyes angry.

"What's happened?" Ryan questioned, his kind blue eyes comforting as I grabbed my bag and Varna quickly.

"Ask you friend." I spat back, I know it was unnecessary, they were only being nice, but now the only thing that coursed through my veins was anger and betrayal.

   Reaching Harry, Hermione and Ron's door I quickly slid it open and slammed it back shut, stunning the inhabiters of the small room. I kept my back to them, not able to face their questions just yet.

"Anna?" I turned slowly my reddened eyed, blurred with tears as I but down on my bottom lip.

"What wrong?" Harry asked, his voice dripping with worry as I slumped down beside him and lent my head on his chest. My other two friends remained silent stunned by my entrance, my silence must have answered his question as Harry didn't ask again. He simply allowed me to cry into his sweater as the train carried on speeding through the darkness.

   I must have dosed off as the next thing I knew I was woken by a violent jolt.

"Bloody hell, what's happening?" I managed to pick out Ron's voice as my eyes darted open. The carriage was dark and icy cold, we sat there frozen, eye staring unblinking at the frosted glass doors. I shuddered in fear, as a dark cloaked figure appeared behind the window. It turned, its faceless head searching. My shallow breath exploded in clouds of grey in the freezing temperatures. I watched petrified as a skeletal hand curled round our opening door. It's flesh rotting, slowly disintegrating from its bones. It turned to Harry and me, I could feel my happiness, joy, love...all being drained from me. Never to be returned, I could no longer remember what they felt like, all I knew was sadness, fear, anger and pain. Excruciating pain, my very soul burnt agonisingly slow, never ending, as my happiness was drawn from my very being. The suddenly...it was gone. A blinding light fled the tiny room and I slumped to my side, the cloaked figure screeched and flew from the carriage as I slowly felt myself slip into the pure bliss of darkness.

(AuthorsNote- Hey guys, have you ever noticed, when your writing, that your mood effects your story line? Take this chapter for instance I have written it four times twice have had a happy theme, twice have ended with Anna being unconscious and Oliver In the "dog house". The twice when this has happen I have been in either a really bad mood or felt down. Anyway, sorry it took me so long, but I hope you like it. Send me a comment  whether your happy or not about Oliver's betrayal? Thank you x)

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