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"now you may have heard of our next guest from her amazing covers online.... here's naomi harlow!"

i made my way to the stage, trying not to trip and fall, for the sake of my career and mental health. i managed to walk over to the comfy looking white chair and have a seat with no major mess ups.

"hello miss naomi, how has your life been?" the energetic interviewer asked me with a bright smile on her caked up face.

"i've been pretty well actually, how about you?" i asked politely, crossing one leg over the other.

"good, good. so, i hear you've got some big things coming up in your career," the interviewer, i think her name is kelsey, asked.

i nodded with a mischievous look on my face. "i do have some stuff planned, but all will be revealed with time."

"oooh, i'm sure we'll all be on the lookout. i know i'm excited," kelsey responded.

the interview continued for a little while before kelsey decided it was time for questions from the crowd. she picked a handful of people from the audience and had them line up in front of a microphone.

"okay, so what is your name?" kelsey asked the first girl in line.

"maddie," the girl timidly said. she couldn't have been older than 13.

"i love your hair maddie, what's your question for naomi?" kelsey bent down a little to reach the girls height.

"who's your biggest music inspiration?" the little girl asked. i pursued my lips a little bit, it's a habit i've always had when thinking.

"it's really hard to narrow it down," i said with a small giggle, "i'm gonna say mariah carey or amy winehouse ."

"alright, thank you maddie. next question" kelsey said, bringing up the next girl in line. the next person was a young woman. probably around 23?

"hi, naomi, my name is yasmin. I just wanted to tell you i love you," the girl began. i gave her a large grin and made a heart with my hands.

"okay, so if you ever got the chance, would you get into modeling?"

"hm," I started, "i think i would but only here and there. i love music too much to quit but I think modeling would be fun every once in awhile. closest i get is instagram though," i replied with a small laugh.

"okay, last question is from..." kelsey began but trailed off.

"erin!" a teenage girl replied, enthusiastically.

"alright, erin. ask naomi your question," kelsey said.

"who's your celebrity crush and why?" erin asked before pushing her hair off of her shoulder.

"ooo that's a good one," kelsey said, looking toward me for an answer.

"my current celebrity crush is probably brandon arreaga from prettymuch," i said with a shy smile. "i think that he is adorable and incredibly talented."

"aw," kelsey said, putting her hand on her chest. she started to walk back over to her chair that looked exactly like mine.

"i think we're about out of time, but it was great having you here and you're welcome back anytime!" kelsey said to me. i smiled at her.

"thanks for having me," i replied, leaning against the arm of the chair.

"of course. that's all for this interview. i've been kennedy and i'll see you all next time!" the cameras stopped rolling and i began to stand up and walk off of the stage. i guess her name wasn't kelsey, oops.


wow this is complete and utter turds and i'm sorry for that

𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 ; 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐚Where stories live. Discover now