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A/N: Sorry for not updating last week. You guys really deserve a better author-nim :(

"Hello ladies," an unexpectedly smooth voice erupted from the male in front of the two.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he said with in a flat tone.  "My name is Ye Joon."

Chan Sook glanced at the girl next to her, who appeared to be as taken aback as she was. The CEO quickly recovered from her initial shock and rushed to return the boy's greeting. "Hi Joon, I'm Ashli. Standing next to me is the lovely Park Chan Sook, a trainee here."

"I see," Joon bowed respectfully. "I'm sure you know my cousin, Jinki?"

Ashli briefly nodded. "I do. He's the sales director here."

"Then I assume he told you who I am and why  I've come?"

The CEO blinked before answering, "Jinki may have mentioned it one time or another. I didn't realize that the two of you were related, though."

The male froze. "He didn't tell that we're cousins? Was he embarrassed or something? Maybe he told me to come here as a joke. If he did I'm going to-"

"Calm down, cowboy," Chan Sook waved her hands around in a frenzy. "It probably just didn't come up. Besides, what reason would he have to be embarrassed? Unless, you did something really  bad..." The girl trailed off ominously whilst staring into space.

The female beside her let out a small giggle and lightly nudged the trainee in delight. "I didn't realize that you had such an odd sense of humor, Sook." Upon Chan Sook looking flustered, Ashli quickly added, "I meant that as a compliment. I have a whole lotta weirdness up in my brain, so don't sweat it."

The trainee, now fully reassured, smiled gratefully at the younger brunette. A soft, obviously fake, cough was emitted from Joon. "Could I possibly schedule a time for my audition? After that's done I can leave you two alone."

The CEO tapped her chin in thought before replying to the patient boy. "How about you sing and dance for me right now, I'll record it on my phone, and then I can share it with the rest of the adjudicators? I'll be sure to email you once we've decided. That is, if you're fine with that method."

The devilishly handsome male shrugged. "I don't really have an issue with that."

Ashli grinned and pulled out her phone. "Alright. Introduce yourself and what you're gonna sing and dance to, okay? I'll count you down. Ready? Three, two, one, go!" She tapped the red 'record' button and began recording Joon.

Joon bowed deeply before beginning. "Good afternoon, my name is Ye Joon, and I will be auditioning to be a singer." He paused and took a short breath before continuing with his introduction. "Today I will be singing 'Airplane' by HH. I sincerely hope that you enjoy it."

As the boy began to sing, his honey- like voice carried through into his song. Even though he was singing acapella, Chan Sook could easily imagine background music-- quiet bass, and a rhythmically pleasing drum beat-- interweaving with his slightly raspy and hypnotizing voice. The trainee soon found herself lightly humming and nodding her head to the beat. She stole a glance at the girl next to her, and saw that her eyes were completely fixed onto Joon. 

A slight look of utter awe and mesmerization clouded the CEO's expression as she took in the entirety of the male's performance. The song came to an end far quicker than it had started, and it left Chan Sook wanting, thirsting, craving  for more. The lack of sound made her feel like she was lacking something, like she was empty. She knew that Joon would for sure get in with his passionate, and soulful voice.

Ashli paused the video and silently cleared her throat so as to avoid making a vulgar noise. "What're you going to dance to for us? Just name any song, and I'll get the music started."

The boy thought for a moment before shrugging. "'Rocking' by Teen Top?"

The trainee felt her jaw go slack. The intense footwork in that song was insane, and the fact that he lamely suggested it made her dizzy. Either that, or he was just too good looking. She decided that it was a mixture of both.

Music suddenly sounded from an oddly placed speaker, next to a fake plant. "Start whenever you're ready, Joon," Ashli called softly.

The male nodded in response, and began to start almost immediately after. Sweat trickled down his forehead as the first minute or so passed rapidly. He bit his lip in concentration as he nailed the footwork perfectly. What seemed like seconds later, the song ended, and Joon sat down on the ground panting heavily.

The CEO stepped forward with a hand held out towards the boy. He gratefully grasped her hand, and she hauled him to his feet. "I'll go down with the two of you."

Neither answered, so Ashli simply pressed the 'down' button on the elevator and waited. When it finally came, she stepped aside so that the other two could enter first, and when they did so, she filed in with them, and chose the button that would take them to the first floor.

The ride flew by, and the trio was on the first floor of the building. They each shuffled out and bade their goodbyes to one another.

"See you later, Sook," Ashli called. "And Joon, I'll email you later, yeah?"

Both nodded and left. The CEO was left standing by herself. A thought came to her mind, and she grinned. "Hei Ran? If the bozos that work here accept Joon, remind me to have him debut at the same time as Chan Sook, please."

The said girl smirked to herself, happy with her boss' thinking and responded in a like manner. "I like that idea. Will do, CEO Minn."

A/N: Like I said above, sorry for being so bad at updating!! I will try my best to update more regularly!

Quick question: how many of you actually read the notification board? Should I stop posting things there and do author's notes instead? Or do you like them all in one place? Comment your answer, please. It would be greatly appreciated.

Have a wonderful day!

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