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Chan Sook paced nervously outside the huge glass building situated in front of her. It was the Yellow Minn Sora Entertainment Headquarters. Chan Sook was practically shaking with both fear and anxiety. Yes, the two CEOs and CFOs had appeared to like her, but she was still skeptical of what was to come. Chan Sook was worried that she would butcher her audition, and be thrown out of the building. 

Mustering what little courage she had, the female reached out, and firmly grasped a door handle with her sweaty palms,  and yanked it open. Stepping through the glass doors, Chan Sook made a beeline for the front desk. "Excuse me, miss. Do you know where I'm supposed to go for my audition?"

Two wide eyes blinked back at Chan Sook's, and the girl opened her mouth speak. "Ah yes, let me check, I-"

The girl, whom Chan Sook gathered had a name based off of the placard on the desk (it was Hei Ran) was cut off by a soft yet commanding voice.

"Are you Miss Park?"

It was Minn Ashli, the CEO and CFO of YMS Entertainment. Standing around her was Saydie Sora, the other CEO and CFO, Kwon Jiyoung, the head of the entertainment division, Lee Taemin, the vocal trainer, Lee Jieun, the head producer, and Bae Joohyun, the talent manager.

Chan Sook gulped. She was not ready for this. Definitely not ready. Chan Sook realized that she had never answered. "I, uh- I mean, uh- Y-yes, I am Park Chan Sook."

She bowed quickly after her awkward introduction. "It is a pleasure to meet you, CEO Minn."

"Likewise," Ashli smiled. "Don't be nervous, dear, none of us bite. I can't make any promises about Say- I mean, CEO Sora here."

The whole group laughed at Ashli's small jab at Saydie, to which the said female responded with a loud whack on the arm. Ashli grimaced when Saydie's hand made contact with her arm, and rubbed it in pain, all while muttering a low, "Ouch."

Since Ashli was still recovering from the blow to her arm, Saydie decided to take charge for a few minutes. "Miss Park, if you would, please follow me to the audition room."

Ashli grinned at Saydie, pleased with her formality and properness, and winked at her. This caused the pair to erupt in giggles, and therefore all those in attendance, to eye the two weirdly. Fortunately, the best friends could care less, and broke out into an intense handshake that only they could perform. More laughs echoed through the halls as they continued on the path towards the audition room.

Jiyoung, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "Ashli~~."

The girl glanced at him with a questioning look. "Yes?"

Jiyoung grinned mischievously, and whined, "I'm hungry."

To finish of his show, he wrapped the young CEO in a tight hug, and pouted. Ashli sighed in response at Jiyoung's failed attempt to be cute, and ushered the male off of her. She did feel bad, however. It was lunch time, so it was only natural for him, and probably everyone else, to be hungry. The brunette groaned, and tugged on her hair, which was fixed into a high ponytail. "Ji Ji, I'll tell you what. After the audition is all said and done, I will take you out for lunch. Sound good?

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