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A/N: Sorry for not updating last week!

"Let me talk to Sehun first. When he and I are finished, the first thing that I'll do is find you. After that, we can leave for lunch, okay?"

"Okie," Jiyoung said happily.

The young CEO rolled her eyes playfully at the blue haired male, and started to exit for the third time. As she left the room, shutting the door behind her, she came face to face, or rather, face to chest with someone. The person in front of her backed up so that she could see their face.

"Oh, hey, Sehun," Ashli said surprised.

"That's me," he smiled dashingly. "Look. We need to talk."

"Yeah sure, what's up?"

"Walk with me for a minute, CEO Minn," Sehun ordered.

"It's Ashli, not CEO Minn. I swear to-- how many times do I have to tell you people?!" Ashli burst out, upset.

Sehun softly chuckled at the girl. "Cute," he murmured.

She slightly reddened at that, but did her best to hide it. The CEO cleared her throat, and slowed her pace so that Sehun wouldn't have to run to keep up with her. "What'd you want to talk about?"

"Well there's two things I wanted to talk about, actually." 

Ashli nodded, gesturing for him to continue. "The first thing is about our cosmetics line. We recently contacted PONY to ask if she wanted to do a collaboration with us."

"Okay, and?"

The director smiled. "She said yes, but on one condition, we have to feature the products, making sure to show her name, in a music video."

The girl began to breath heavily. "How are we supposed to do that?! We just got our first trainee, and she isn't even ready to debut yet, and-."

Sehun cut her off by using his hands to squish her cheeks inwards. "Calm down, tiger. I have that part figured out. It's going to take at least a month to develop everything, right?"

"Right," Ashli responded

"We can get a transfer from another company, and start shooting for a video as soon as we receive them. I've already started talking to some other companies, and they're all pretty willing. What do you say?" Sehun asked.

The CEO thought for a moment, ruffling her hair. "That's fine, I guess."

He sighed in relief. "Okay, I just wanted to run that by you before anything official happened."

Ashli smiled. "What was the second thing you wanted to talk about?"

The male rubbed the nape of his neck awkwardly. "I, uh, was wondering if you maybe wanted to, um, go to the, uh, movies with me on Saturday?"

When the girl didn't answer for a few seconds, he began to prepare himself for a rejection. "Sounds great."

"It's okay, I understand, I- wait what?" Sehun questioned, surprised.

"It sounds like fun. You're paying for the snacks, though. Oh! My ticket too."

Sehun laughed. "I will. So... I'll pick you up at seven?"

The female nodded and waved. "See you later Sehun!"

"Bye!" he called as Ashli walked away. Sehun couldn't believe that she had said yes. Replaying the scene in his head, the male couldn't help but smile. He hadn't told anyone, but he found the girl very attractive, and may or may not have had a small crush on her. Ashli was just so perfect to Sehun in every way imaginable

Walking towards the front entrance, Ashli had similar thoughts running through her head, and just couldn't seem to shake off the stupid grin that was present on her face. The boy was extremely handsome, and the fact that he had asked her out (whether it was as a friend or not, she was unsure) made her ecstatic. Ashli finally spotted Jiyoung on a chair staring at his phone. "Ready to go, Jiyoung?"

Jiyoung hopped out of his seat at the sound of her voice. "Let's go!" He grabbed the CEO's hand and dragged her out the door and onto the busy sidewalk. "I want... ganjang gaejang!"

"Alrighty, tiger. Let's get going, yeah?"

"I'm a dragon," Jiyoung whined childishly. To top it all off, he pouted and crossed his arms.

"Sure you are," the girl winked. "Come on, I have to go waste my money on you."

"Fine," the blue haired male huffed, causing Ashli to smile in triumph. "So... what did you and Sehun talk about?"

"Huh? Oh, um..." The question made Ashli remember the whole episode, triggering a light pink tint to spread across her cheeks. "H- He was just going over some stuff with our cosmetics line."

Jiyoung, fortunately, was oblivious to the blush on the girl's face, and the fact that she had stuttered. "Cool! Wanna tell me about it?"

"Uh, sure." The CEO tucked a loose strand of hair behind her right ear as she began a short summary of YMS' collaboration with the beauty guru PONY. The boy nodded along, listening intently as Ashli spoke. She ultimately cut herself off as Jiyoung opened the door to a small restaurant and she heard the quiet jingle of a bell.

"Hello, welcome to Bulgogi Warehouse*! Please seat yourself wherever you like!" A cheerful voice called. The two acknowledged the owner of the voice with a smile, and sat themselves at a small table with two chairs by a window.

"Let me guess, pork bulgogi?" Jiyoung teased before the female could say a word.

The CEO laughed. "Bingo! I always get that when we come here."

"I know you too well," Jiyoung grinned. "I'll go up and tell them our orders, yeah?"

"'Kay," the girl replied, pulling out her phone while doing so. She composed a short text to Saydie, notifying her fellow CEO about her whereabouts. No sooner had she sent it did the blue haired male appear. 

"They said that it'll take about twenty minutes and that they'll bring the food here. Sound good?"

Ashli simply nodded in response to the boy, and swiftly took a picture of him. "Hey! Don't do that!" He attempted to grab the phone from her hand, but she held it as far away from him as she could. "At least show me the picture before you post it or anything!"

"Alrighty then," the female said happily. Holding the phone away from Jiyoung so he couldn't snatch it, Ashli showed him the picture. He raised an eyebrow at her, and she reddened when she realized that it was picture of her, taken earlier that day whilst she was getting ready. "You didn't see that."

"Whatever floats your boat," he replied snarkily.

"One pork bulgogi, and one ganjang gaejang?" A voice interjected.

"Yes, thank you," Ashli answered.

"Let's eat!"

*I made up Bulgogi Warehouse, if it is an actual restaurant, then "and I- oop."

A/N: A bit of a filler, haha I've been pretty busy lately and threw this chapter together extremely last minute, so sorry about that. Next update will be better (hopefully). Love you all!

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