Chapter Three: New Classes

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'Who needs the dark ambience of the night, when nightmares can collapse you in broad daylight.'

I woke up to someone shoving me, much to my discomfort. I groaned in annoyance and weakly tried to push them away so I could continue having my pleasant dreams. A light chuckle made me sit up immediately and cover myself even though I was wearing a t-shirt from my brother that he gave me a while back. The blue haired female then started laughing hysterically at my shaken expression of being awoken, I gave her hard glare but I end up joining her in laughing. She looked hilarious when she laughed, she was such a tomboy but had the most girly laugh.

"How the hell did you even get in here?!" I demand, desperate for an answer but had an idea of who it could have been.

After my response her laughing ceased, not sure how I would take the answer. "Huh? Oh. Yeah. Adrien let me in, we both have art first." She studied my expression and body movements, making me wonder if she was secretly checking me out.

"Oh, he's dead." I fling the blankets off my body, having gone to bed in pyjama shorts and stand up abruptly. Speak of the devil, he waltzed in while munching on a cookie. "Oi!" My voice sounded outraged but the smirk on my face showed that I wasn't completely serious. He gave me a puzzled yet fearful look, stopping to look at me but then turned to run away. Before he could run, however, I jumped onto his back. Yes, I, a grown woman, just jumped on someone's back because they woke me up for the first class of university life. You don't ever disturb my sleep.

He let out a muffled yell, almost choking on his cookie as he fell backwards, stumbling until he landed back first onto my bed. I let out a pained huff but kept my arms and legs wrapped around him, making it so that he couldn't let go.

"Right." Katy spoke up, dragging out the word as she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her oversized hoodie. "I'm gonna wait outside while you two fuck. Scar, meet me outside when you're dressed. Adrien, don't be so rough with our little virgin." She winked at us, making me hold back a blush but my face as already red because of the male on top of me. She smirked wickedly and strolled out of the dorm and into the kitchen area outside it, probably to eat.

While I was distracted on what she said, my grip had faltered and Adrien was able to pry himself from my arms and legs. "Hey! What the hell was that for?" It just hit me that I had missed an opportunity to see if he had a strand. Dammit.

I gave him a soft glare, walking over to the drawers and started pulling out ripped black jeans and a red and black stripped jumper that I used to love wearing once upon a time. "You let her ruin my sleep. Therefore, I attack you. It's completely fair." To my surprise, he didn't argue with me. He simply shrugged, nodded and left the room as well so that I could get changed.

As soon as he did leave, I pulled out my underwear, bra and socks and got changed. I forced my brush through my wine red locks and joined Katy to walk to class.

When the two of us approached the beige door, we were both greeted by the strong smell of fresh paint. I admired the room around me, paintings hung from most of the walls except from one in particular that seemed to be left alone on purpose. It seemed to have been washed rather recently so I assumed that it was because of an annual thing they do? The floor was a dark hard wood that could be cleaned easily no matter what was spilt or trod into it. The ceiling was a completely different story, however. Multicoloured fairy lights hung from the top and stretched from wall to wall, corner to corner. Whoever this teacher may be, I loved their style already. I just hoped that their personality was as tasteful as their sense of decor.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Lullabyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें