"You think Mr Silver is going to support this?"
He slowly turned back to Philip "You think he's going to let you fly his only brother's remains hours away from this county just to cut him open again?"

"Barrister Philip, for someone who has studied the law for a better part of his life, I'm really disappointed you think the sibling or parent are the first or only relatives on the next of kin list especially in cases like this?"

Philip narrowed his gaze on Rafael for a minute. He needed to think and when he understood, he exhaled loudly.

"Olivia Silver."
Rafael clicked his tongue.


"You're going to get her to sign consent?"

"I don't see why not, she was his wife after all, his next of kin and right now, she'd do anything to find out who the real murderer is and make them pay for the six years they took from her. I'm sure she'd be more than willing to comply."

"Just how far are you willing to go Rafael? How far do you really want to take this?"

Rafael leaned closer, his eyes glaring into Philip's with a crooked smile on his lips. He was about to speak when ...

"How much do you need?"

Everyone paused for a second.

The smile on Rafael's lips grew even wider just as Philip relaxed inside his chair after letting out an exasperated sigh. He knew that was probably not a good idea but he wanted to see if it could actually work.

Rafael and Susan slowly turned to her.

"I've heard about you." She said, still trying to remain calm, trying to hide the huge frown on her lips as she focused on him. "The handsome, dedicated young man that gave up being the heir of his father's business just so he could practice the law but I know in a country like ours, the law isn't really appreciated. Lawyers aren't paid much which means you have a price. Name it. Ten million? twenty million-"

"Mrs Silver-" Philip sat straight, leaning closer to her, trying to get her to stop. She was obviously making a mistake. Rafael scoffed.

"Fifty million?"

"Ma," Philip called again. He let out a sarcastic chuckle. He wasn't sure bribing Rafael was a good move.

"I'd write you a cheque right now, you can cash it out by tomorrow." She was practically ignoring her lawyer. "Just tell me what it would cost you to drop this case."

Rafael sat straight just as Susan chuckled silently.

"This couldn't get any better." He looked into her eyes.

"This is me being really kind to you right now Mr Okonkwo. I hate getting my hands dirty but I don't hesitate when someone tries to call my bluff. Take the money and drop this case while I'm still playing nice or things might just get really dirty. D'iaye ba a s'oko s'oja, o le la a ba ia l'onen, you don't go around throwing stones in a market place or it might just end up hitting someone you really care about, or even you."

Philip rolled his eyes. He was really frustrated at where this was going

Rafael chuckled for a bit.

"Mrs Silver, you honestly need to watch yourself." He glared at her "Your lawyer should have informed you that it is a crime punishable by law to bribe or threaten an officer of the law and even obstruct justice, guess who just did all three."

Philip leaned closer.

"Rafael," he tried to talk to Rafael but he leaned even closer, fixing his eyes on Victoria, not blinking for a second.

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