Chapter 20

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Olivia took a deep breath the moment she heard the metal door close behind her

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Olivia took a deep breath the moment she heard the metal door close behind her. She wasn't even halfway towards the large table in the middle of the interrogation room and she could already smell him.
She could smell the sweetnesss of his Perfume.
His scent already gave her an idea of what the man sitting halfway across the room, on that long metal bench with his back facing her coldly, looked like.

She didn't need to take a front view of his suit before she could guess it was YSl. For someone who had spent the better part of her life, surrounded by all sorts of luxury and even married to one of the richest folks the continent had ever known, she was really familiar with a lot of designer outfits. The carvings on his perfectly barbed black hair were so clean and his gold brooch was shiny. Olivia drew in a deep breath as she took a step towards him. She could have sworn the rattles from her handcuffs were making a lot of noise but he sat right there, unbothered.

He just had his eyes focused into the large file in front of him. It was hers, it had to be. She watched him pull his jacket back, while he tried to make himself comfortable in his seat just as she made her way to the seat across his, her eyes glued to him, her body trembling for no reason at all.

She could have sworn she had no idea this meeting was going to happen so soon. She wanted to see through him, to know what was going through his mind. To see how he felt while he read all those lies about her. For some reason, that happened to be all that mattered to her at that moment.

Olivia could feel like she had met this man before. Maybe it was in one of the events she had been to with Andrew, she just wasn't sure. Somehow, everyone in her cell knew about this young man sitting right across her who happened to have accomplished a lot at his age, everyone except her.

News of how many cases he had won, how many people he had helped get their freedom back, were everywhere. The amazing Rafael Okonkwo. That was how they talked about him. He was quite popular among the inmates and from what she heard, it was quite difficult to get his representation, expensive too.

Barely forty and he had already bagged a couple PHDs, and won so many cases. He never walked into a court room and walked out without another victory attached to his name. He was extremely honest to a fault and true to his words, arrogant, some called him, not too friendly, some others said, at least that was what they said about him.

How on earth did Kemi ever get someone so valuable, so influential to even want to take her case?
Olivia gulped hard the moment he raised his gaze to meet hers. His dark eyes staring into hers with a dash of cluelessness in them. She could see it. The adorable tiny God mark beneath his small eyes. He raised his thick brows too. For a second it was like everything else stood still, time stood still.

She hadn't even realized how hard she was staring at him without blinking. She didn't know why. She didn't even know if there was even a reason.

And then it came, he cleared his throat and it snapped her back to consciousness.

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