Chapter 16

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You see Patrick sitting on his MacBook and go over to him. "Go get the others Pete." And he does. Soon everyone is in the tiny hotel room. You take a deep breathe. "So.. I have come to a decision.." you pause for a moment. "It was really hard to choose between you two I mean you are both so caring and sweet. But Patrick I'm really really sorry but I choose Pete." tears start to well in your eyes after telling Patrick this. He doesn't get angry or upset. You weren't expecting it, but he smiles and pulls you into a hug. "I'm so happy for you! As long as you are happy, then I will be happy as well." He then gets up and hugs Pete too. "I have faith that you won't break her heart and leave her in pieces." Patrick says to Pete. "Patrick you are honestly so sweet and I have no doubt that you will find someone else." you say to him. After that, everyone was congratulating you and Pete. You were glad that Patrick wasn't upset. You wouldn't be able to bear seeing him upset.

*Time skip to later in the tour.*

It was one of the last shows that everyone was performing in Seattle. It was meet and greet time and Patrick was talking to a pretty girl with dark hair. He was smiling and so was she. You smiled because you could tell Patrick liked this girl. When she leaves, Patrick is still smiling and you go up to him. "So who's your new crush?" You ask. Patrick flushes and says "Her name is Elisa. She's actually from Chicago and she is visiting her family here." "She seems nice. Did you get her number?" "Uh yeah..." "YAY! OMG OTP!!" "Shut up Y/N." Patrick says blushing an even darker shade of red. "HEY PETE! PATRICK HAS A NEW LADY FRIEND!" "WHAT REALLY? IS IT A NEW OTP?" "YEAH! SHE'S REALLY PRETTY AND PATRICK THINKS SO TOO!" "WOO WAY TO GO TRICK!" "Omg can you guys literally shut up before I punch one of you?" Patrick asks a dark shade of red. "Fine we will save embarrassing you for later when she comes over." You say before walking over to Pete to talk more about your new OTP. You whisper to each other while glancing over at Patrick. He glares at you in return. You giggle and turn back to Pete. You talk to him a bit more before you head back to the bus. Patrick is on his phone texting someone. You assume it's Elisa and decide not to say anything to him about it. Instead you think about how there are only two more shows before you go back to Chicago. You had arranged with Pete that you would move in with him soon but not right away. You had told Y/B/F/N about your decision and she was happy for you. The next show was in Boise, Idaho and then the last show would be in Chicago. You fell asleep, and when you woke up, you were in Idaho.

*Time skip to Chicago.*

The guys did amazing at the Idaho show and now you guys were back in Chicago. They would be performing later that night. Y/B/F/N was coming to this show and you were going to let them meet the guys. It was currently 11 A.M. and the show wasn't until 8. You had a whole day ahead of you, and you planned to spend it looking at memes or reading on Wattpad. As you're just getting sucked into a meme hole, Y/B/F/N texted you.

Y/B/F/N: Hey, wanna meet up for coffee? I haven't seen you in two months and I can't wait until 8.
You: Yeah sure. Want me to ask if one of the guys want to come?
You: Ok. See you in a few.

"Hey Brendon, Pete, wanna come to coffee with me and a close friend of mine?" "YES I LOVE COFFEE!" Brendon shouted. "Yeah but I don't feel you need it. You are hyper enough as it is." you mumble. "Yeah I will come as well." Pete said. "Great we leave like right now." You walk to the Starbucks that Y/B/F/N and you go to all the time. You guys sit far from the windows at a back table because you didn't want Brendon and Pete to be noticed by a lot of fans. Within a few minutes, Y/B/F/N walked through the door. Brendon about spit his coffee out when he saw her. "You good there Beebo?" You ask him smirking. "Uh yeah perfectly fine.." You get up and hug her. "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVERRR!" "I KNOW I MISSED YOU!" Y/B/F/N then acknowledges Brendon and Pete. You can see her trying not to fangirl and you start to laugh. "What's funny?" Pete asks. "Oh nothing." You say smiling at Y/B/F/N Brendon is staring at Y/B/F/N and then he looks at you. You raise your eyebrows questioning him and he just shakes his head. You sit and catch up with Y/B/F/N and then before you know it, it's 2:00. "We should be going now. We need to get to the venue for a sound check." Brendon says. You agree. Before you are about to leave Y/B/F/N blurts out "Can I have your autographs?" Pete smiles and agrees as does Brendon. You then walk back to the hotel. "So Brendon, you like Y/B/F/N don't you." "Uhhh well um sorta.." When you walk into the hotel room Patrick practically runs up to you guys. "GUESS WHAT?!" He says with a huge grin on his face. "What?" "ELISA AND I ARE DATING NOW!" "Patrick that's great! I told you you would find someone else!" You say hugging him. He smiles and then Pete and Brendon hug him as well and congratulate him.

You were happy he moved on and wasn't dwelling on his feelings for you still. "We should get to the venue." You say. "Yeah I'll go get the other guys." Pete says and walks to the other rooms. You all pile into the bus for the last time. You get to the venue and set everything up as always. You then practice your songs and the other bands do as well.

*Time skip to after the concert.*

The concert was great and Y/B/F/N was looking forward to meeting everyone. She said hello to Brendon and Pete before going off to get the other autographs. "Hey Beebo, you should get her number and hang out with her more if you like her." You suggest. "Ok." So he gets her number and she smiles at you. You smile back and then go talk to Pete. Before you know it, you are saying goodbye to Tyler, Josh, Ryan, Hayley, and Brendon. You were all going to plan something soon. Brendon was staying in Chicago for a bit but he had to go check into a hotel. You were going to stay the night at Pete's house then go back to your apartment in the morning.

You made it to Pete's house and immediately fell asleep as soon as you got into bed. You think Pete stayed up a bit more due to his insomnia. When you woke up, you said good morning to Pete, ate breakfast, and then left for your apartment. You were going back to Pete's later. You were moving in with him in couple weeks and you couldn't be happier.

Jet Pack Blues (Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now