Chapter 11

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~Your POV~

After Patrick left, You pulled his coat around yourself  tighter. It was a bit chilly. You just absentmindedly stared at the stars deep in thought. You wish you had brought your sketchbook. It would be great to use oil pastels and draw the skyline and add the depth of the darkness. You just made the conclusion that you would have to draw it from memory once you got back to the bus. Someone sitting down beside you pulled you back to reality.

"What are you thinking about?" Pete asked. "Oh, just how I wished I had brought my drawing stuff because I would love to draw the skyline." "I didn't know you drew." You shrugged. "I don't do it a lot. Just when I get spurts of creativity or I think of a good idea to draw." "I wish I was able to draw something decent but everything I draw looks like a little kid drew it." "But you are a little kid Pete." "I am not!" You just raised your eyebrows at him. "Ok fine maybe I am still a little kid at hear.." he mumbled. You just laughed. After star gazing a bit longer, Joe said that we should head back to the bus since it's been three hours.

You all agreed and slowly made your way back to the bus. When you got there, Andy said "Well Joe, I must say that was definitely one of your better ideas you have had." "Why thank you" In a while the bus started to move again. After about 40 minutes, you made it to the hotel. The two rooms you guys were staying in were connected so you could just walk through a door if you needed something from someone in the other room. It was nicer because you didn't have to go out in the hall and walk to the other room.

You, Patrick, and Joe would be staying together this time and Pete and Andy were staying together. As soon as you guys got in the rooms, you flopped on the bed and went to sleep.

~Time skip~

You woke up and the guys told you you all were going to do something together. You decided to get ready and take a shower. You started the water and got in. You had your playlist on shuffle and of course the music was really loud. About halfway through your shower you thought you heard a noise but just thought it was something with the music. You got out and got dressed. The door was slightly open but you figured you had forgot to close it all the way. You opened the door and were instantly drenched in ice water.

"AHHH!" You screamed. Pete, Patrick, Joe, and Andy were dying with laughter. "WHICH ONE OF YOU IDIOTS DID IT!?" You yelled glaring at them. "Pete and I" said Joe. "You guys are so dead." You said. "Does this mean?" "Certainly not." "I think so." Joe and Pete said looking at each other and seemingly reading each other's minds. "PRANK WAR!" They yelled together. You rolled your eyes. "Fine but we get teams. And someone needs to be like the ref to set rules." "I can be the ref." Patrick said. You nodded. "Then I want Andy on my team. You two already seem to be a team." You say shooting Joe and Pete a glare. "Then I officially declare this prank war had begun!" Patrick said.

"The rules are, 1. No using sharp objects. We don't need anyone in the hospital." "DANG IT! There go my plans of 'accidentally' throwing a knife at Pete." Patrick laughed. "2. No asking me for hints as to where the other team has went. 3. Try not to bother the other guests. We don't want to be kicked out. 4. If you have been pranked, then you are out. Your teammate is left to defend themself. And most importantly, 5. Try not to steal too much stuff from the hotel to use against each other. You may now go and collect supplies!" You and Andy had already decided to get supplies from the kitchen. You would use texting to communicate when you were split up. "So I was thinking, there are some water balloons on the bus from Pete. I was thinking we could get those and fill them with whipped cream from the kitchen." Andy said. "Andy that's amazing! I can run out to the bus real quick while you get the whipped cream. I'll text you if I see Joe or Pete." "Sounds good! Now let's win this thing!"

You made your way outside. As you made your way to the bus, you saw Joe walking up the bus steps. You dove behind a bush so you could watch what he was doing. You texted Andy.

You: Joe is on the bus. I'm going to wait and see what he leaves with.
Andy: Ok so that means Pete is on his own somewhere. I wouldn't recommend going into either rooms in case they set something up in there.
You: Note taken. Joe is coming out now.

Joe emerged from the bus carrying what appeared to be cans of silly string and water guns.
You: He got silly string and water guns from the bus. He is coming back inside now.
Andy: Ok I got the whipped cream and I'm making my way to the pool now. I'm going to hide out there. When you get the balloons meet me there.
You: Got it.

You made your way onto the bus and grabbed the water balloons. You stealthily made your way into the pool area. When you got in you whispered "Andy?" He appeared from behind a supply cabinet for pool cleaners. You ran over to him. "On my way here, I saw Pete going up the stairs towards the rooms. It looked like he was going to set up a tripwire and another bucket of water." Ok so we can't go back up there for anything. I wonder where Patrick is." "He might be with Joe." "True. Now let's get these balloons filled."

You filled all the balloons but as you were about to leave your hiding place, you heard the pool doors open. You and Andy froze. Then you heard Joe talking. "Yeah, I'm in at the pool now... Nope no sign of either of them yet." They appeared to be calling each other to keep in contact. You and Andy looked at each other. Then in sync you jumped out from behind the supply cabinet and pelted Joe with balloons. "AHHHH!" He screamed as whipped cream exploded all over him. He managed to drop his phone and you grabbed it and said "Looks like you're on your own now Pete." then you hung up.

"You can't help him now. You should go sit in the lobby or something. And where is Patrick?" You asked. "He was in the lobby when I saw him. I'll go tell him I'm out. Then go take a shower and change." "Ok. Andy let's go Pete is most likely on his way down here." You and Andy sprinted out of the pool area and down a hall. You were by the elevators and were about the press the button when it dinged. You both ducked into the stairwell and saw Pete emerge from the elevator and sprint down the hall towards the pool.

"That was close. I think we should head out to the bus. We may be able to find more things in there." Andy suggested. You both ran into the lobby and saw Patrick there. "Hey Trick." you said. "Hey. Good job on getting Joe out. Now you just need to get Pete." "That's what we're working on." You ran out the doors and onto the bus. You and Andy searched through all the drawers when you found some flour and more balloons. "Hey Andy. Look what I found." "That will be great! It might make a bigger mess but that's good. I'll go and get a funnel so that we can get the flour in easier." "Ok" Andy set off for the kitchen again and you looked for more supplies. As you were leaving the bus, you got a text from Andy.

Andy: Pete was in the kitchen. I tried to leave but he saw me and got me with the water gun. It's up to you now.
You: Aw dang. I shall avenge you.
Andy: Yay good luck.

You made your way back into the hotel. Pete was no longer in the kitchen. He may have went back up to the rooms to check if you set off any traps. You were about to get in the elevator when it dinged. You dove behind and cleaning cart but it was just Patrick. "Oh it's just you." you said getting up. "Oh hey Y/N." "So Trick, where's Pete?" "You know it's against the rules to ask me that." "I do know that. But I may be able to persuade you." "You won't be able to. Pete already tri-" he was cut off by you kissing him.

You put your arms around his neck and he put his hands on your waist. You pulled away. "Now Patrick, I'm going to ask again. Where is Pete?" "I'm not going to tell y- OH FINE YOU WIN HE'S AT THE POOL" He finally admitted after you gave him puppy dog eyes. "Thanks Trick." You said kissing his cheek. You ran off to the pool with balloons in both your hands.

You saw Pete going through the supply cabinet. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Pete Wentz." You said. Pete whirled around. "Oh finally decide to show yourself?" He said. "Yeah I did." You were walking towards Pete, not breaking eye contact. "I could almost say the same for you though Pete. Where have you be hiding?" You were just feet from him and he hadn't even raised the water gun to try and shoot you. You had a plan formed in your mind.

"Well; you know. I was hanging by the rooms. I figured you would want to get something from there. When I got Andy out, I came to the kitchen to get more water for another ice bucket." Your faces were inches away from each other now. You still held eye contact with him. "I'm surprised you didn't guard the bus. Giving that's where we got all of our supplies." "That was going to be Joe's job." You followed through with your plan surprised Pete hadn't made an attempt to get you out and win. You closed to space between the two of you. Pete kissed back obviously distracted. You raised your hand behind his back and dug you nails into the balloon when it was above his head. It burst and whipped cream exploded all over. You smiled and whispered in his ear "I win Peter."

Jet Pack Blues (Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now