As the two figures grow closer she can see its Kadar and Cody, a dark brown and gold pair, contrasting against the snow too harshly to blend in. They slow to a halt in front of each other. Up close, Kadar towered over both females, his body musclier, thicker. Cody was leaner, thinner like a panther rather than the bear-wolf quality Kadar possessed. Cody cocks her head, panting so much her head bobs.

Even without any words, Kiera knows what she’s asking. It was clear after all. Where is Chase?

With no other way to answer Kiera throws her paw out, as if flicking something away. She had no idea he had wondered off to. She couldn’t even guess, which made her feel worse. Worry prickles at her mind.

Cody whines in sympathy. On silent paws she comes close enough to nudge her wet nose into Keira neck. She takes the affection welcomely, pressing against her friend. Cody’s still panting when she pulls away, breath puffing white in the air. The gold wolf brushes past Kiera.

Looking at Kadar again Kiera notices something she hadn’t before. Firstly, the fur on the front of his chest was darker, slick with sweat. The next thing that hits her is his scent, pure, sweaty wolf. It screams male, provoking Kiera’s animal nature. Suddenly she couldn’t help think of him as anything but an animal, a wolf. The type that took what he wanted and forced his dominance to the point everyone had to bow.

The thoughts thrill Keira’s wolf, arouses it.

She does nothing as he walks past though, even attempts to hold her breath.

Kiera yelps and spins around as Kadar nips at her flank, teeth pulling at the fur covering the delicate muscles in her thighs. Any closer and he could have made her bleed. She knew if he really wanted to, he could have rendered her leg useless with just one bite to sever and destroy all the important muscle.

The dark wolf flashes a set of white teeth at Kiera, a wolf grin at its finest. She snarls in reply, but knows all too well if he even growls, she will have no choice but to yield.

Dominance pours off him, from appearance to smell, he was practically a walking alpha. Kiera can suddenly tell why everyone had always looked at him with certainty now. It was in Kadar blood, in his muscles and mind. He could challenge Jordan for the Alpha’s position anytime: he has a good chance of winning

God, did he flaunt the dominance.

With nothing less than a cruel, promising wolf grin, Kadar trots off, joining Cody at the tree line. Together they disappear down a narrow path.

Kiera takes a minute to quickly pull herself together and organise her thoughts before she starts running again, leaving the weird feeling form Kadar behind. Her strides become purposeful and determined once again. The fire burns steady, pushing out the chill trying to invade from the snow covered world around Kiera.

She doesn’t even finish the first lap when she spots Chase. Like Cody had been earlier he’s panting heavily. He lowers himself to the snow as Kiera nears, already playing the submissive role like a well-rehearsed play. His ears lay back, nose tilt down. She pulls to a slow trot, watching him through the white vapour as she breaths out. After a while Kiera just shakes her head. Instead of demanding why he’s late she just trots past him. She doesn’t even pause to see if Chase is following, just leaps into a slow run.

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