Chapter Two- Hunt

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Naomi's POV

"The wild tiger watches closely as she sees possible victims pass by her door which one will she feast on today she wonders to herself"

"Naomi stop those immature games this instant" Ethan says to me through the small caged window

"The huntress gasps she has been discovered he quickly retreats into her hideout" I retreat underneath my old cricked bed that is covered in crayons and scratch marks

Ethan sighs "Naomi this is not a hideout and you are not a huntress so come back out this instant don't make me get Patricia in here"

"Nooooo The huntress whines, she's mean and doesn't let me do anything fun" I come back out from under my bed sitting on the floor "there is The huntress friend happy now"

"At least you aren't under the bed now how's about you come out do you forget that you have permission to wander" Ethan says with a soft smile

I think about it for a bit "does that mean I get to go up and see Karkitty"

"I do not know but his name is Kaden not Karkitty" Ethan says it sounding like a broken record cause of the times he has said it

"Sorry, but can I" I ask Equius grabbing my tail

"Like I said I do not know if he will be wanting visitors"

"Lets go see" I say with a with a wide smile

Equius unlocks the door and I run out up to Karkittens room I can't wait to see him

Heh sorry if this is short and sorry about the long ass delay.

I look through my stories and I see this is 3rd on Asylumstuck thats the highest I've gotten

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this and I promise I will be making more

If you want to see a specific character then please say and I will gladly do a chapter of them

Have a lovely day and thanks for reading this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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