Character Introduction

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Very simple and quick example of why they are in the asylum(some of it is canon other is what I think)

Karkat/Kaden- Super depressed and tried and failed at attempting suicide twice

Aradia/Adriana- can talk and see ghost and spirits and thinks she is one

Tavros/Travis- Only at the Aslyum because his parents thought it would help his self esteem

Nepeta/Naomi- Thinks that she is a wild animal/cat and sometimes attacks people because of it

Kanaya/Kaitlyn(or Kate)- Is a full on Cannibal/Vampire and almost killed her friend cause of it

Terezi/Theresa- Thinks she and her friends are trolls and that the world they are living in isn't real it's just make believe

Vriska/Vikki- Sees Spiders everywhere she goes and they only disappear when someone is with her(most of the time)

Equius/Ethan- Used to be a paitent because ofbhis strength but is now one of the guards

Gamzee/Gavin- A complete and other psychopath that will kill anyone unless he is on super high drugs or medication

Eridan/Dan- was accused of drowning someone when it was actually self defense

Feferi/February- Belives she is the queen of an underwater kingdom and tries to drown herself to go to her people, also thinks she can breathe underwater

Damara/Maria - mostly in the Aslyum to help with her english and also because she killed her entire foster family from a misunderstanding of words

Mituna/Michael- Is bipolar and has severe Autism

Meulin/Morgan - Deaf and accidently killed someone thinking they were attacking her

Latula/Lula- Blind and tried to comit suicide cause of Michael being sent to the Aslyum

Aranea/Amanda- killed 3 people  by putting pregnant spiders(spider unknown) into them(of an unknow way) and then watching as the babies ate there way from the iside out of the victim

Horuss/Hunter- Used to be in the Aslyum cause of depression and obsession issues but now is a guard along with Ethan

Kurloz/Karlos- was caught while stitching back up a person he had dismembered, has raped,tormented and dismembered a unknown amount of people

Meenah/Marina- believes that she will be the cause of the world ending and had triend to make millions of doomsday device's

Jade- Shot and killed her grandfather and has insomnia

John- believes that the world is going to end because of a metor shower and a game of name unknown

Dave- used to be in the Aslyum because of depression but now just visits to see and help Kadan and Theresa

Roxy- Alcohol addiction

Dirk- Attempted suicide by trying to cut own head off and has a voice in his head he has named Hal






Rose- Kaitlyn,Kaden,Gavin,Karlos

Jake- Dirk, Theresa,Vikki, February

Jane- Travis, Roxy,Marina,Michael

Pat- John,Morgan, Naomi,Maria

Simon- Adriana,Dan, Amanda, Lula


Floor 1(technically the second floor cause of lobby and all that)- Adriana, Marina, Naomi, Morgan

Floor 2- Amanda, Vikki, Kaitlyn, Maria

Floor 3- Gavin, Karlos, Theresa, Lula

Floor 4- Dirk, Michael, Roxy, John

Floor 5-  Kaden, February, Travis, Dan

Think that's all that really needs to be known rn there are other doctors and nurses but they aren't really anything special anyway the first actual chapter will be coming very soon so stay tuned

Also each Chapter will be a single paitent and their POV so yeah

Anyway that's is and I hope you have lovely day

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