chaptre dos: flodded memories

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They were shoked by what she said.

This young lady infront of them is indeed a mystery that they cannot fathom.

As they walk there way to the Kings palace, all eyes were on them. They walked past unto the villages. Murmurs and distant chattering filled the air. Some where shocked to see that the gentlemans have arrived safely. 

They come into a halt as they reach the gigantic golden barricades of a gate. The two armoured man outside the golden gate approached them. Some were shocked when swords slashed into the air in a harsh manner. "State your business commoners! And if we found out that what you are telling is untrue to deceive us we will not hesitate to behead all of you!" Fear crept unto the commoners system but not isolde, she stand proudly and walk with such grace and honor like a queen on its castle.

"We, gentlemans, needs the presence of his majesty, The King willfred, for i have succedeed the quest that his majesty ordered" the young miss curtsied with elegance.

"State your name!" The warrior shouted.

"Isolde montpelier, great warriors" she said coldly. The first guard with a stubble look unto a scroll and when he found her name he cleared its throat.

"V-very well, i am deeply sorry for my inconvinience, i did not know that you are the famous hunter, for i have never had the chance to see your face, forgive this ignorance of mine young lady" he then bowed in fear and embarrasment.

"It is very fine gentlemans, now let us enter the palace, we have so much more to do" she said and walks gracefully. The gigantic gates opened with such elegance.

The different statues were neatly arrange in the open. The commoners stood there in awe. Such privilege to even step foot unto the mighty palace. The white walls were built high and mighty. Some of the maids escorted them inside. The wooden doubled doors opened and the wide space as long as the King of grifanwood greeted there eyesight.

"Excuse me young lady, but the commoners cannot enter inside. They should wait in the dining hall young mistress" she nod and look at the commoners. They also nod and the maids escorted them into the hallway while isolde was escorted unto the Kings throne.

"Such privilege to see you my grace, i shall tell you that i have accomplish the quest and i was able to capture the twelve spirits as well as the villagers, they are now safe from the islands grief, your highness" she curtsied and again stand proud.

"Very well, now can i ask you young lady? Have you seen treasures inside the islands?" The King ask coldy.

"Well yes, my grace, lots of golds and treasures were hidden inside the dungeon, but it is cursed your majesty, we cannot touch nor carry it" she lied, but she do not want someone to touch those golds ofcourse. It belongs to that island.

"This decapitated island rumors young lady, about those dangerous beast, is it... somewhat true?" She sighed.

"Yes milord, it is indeed true, those beast were dangerous and not to be reckoned with, so i suggest your grace that we should not touch the islands beasts, it is haunted and cursed as well" the King nodded and cleared its throat.

"Very well! Let us celebrate your victorious venture then! I have prepared a feast! Now go and eat as many as all of you can for i am happy that my villagers as well as you are safe from such grievous fate!" The King stated with joy.

The lady curtsied again and bid goodbye to the majesty. The butler escorted her into the dining hall.


It has been a tiring day for the young miss but a productive day it is indeed. She stretched her arms forward as she yawn. The young lady looked up and she was greeted by the ravishing view of the moon. Birds chirps and owls 'who-ing' filled the cold forest. The cold wind gushed through the trees that makes a 'whooshing' sound.

She sat on the wooden chair as she remembered something.

"And the sorcerer and the witch lived happily ever after, the end" a heart warming smile escape her mother's lips.

She smiled too and closed her eyes.
The view shifted and she was still in the wooden house she once called home. "Your mother is dead! She was killed by those monstrous demons!"

She sobbed and mourn all night.

"Isolde this is Fariane your stepmom, and this is Taliyah your half sister" she was shocked because of what her father told her. She never expect this to happened.

"You will sleep outside! Now go!"

But one day as her father venture the land of the demons, it never returned. And was proclamed dead.

"This is all your fault! You ill-mannered little brat!" She slaps the poor child and kicked her. The poor young soul winch in pain. Anger burn within her and then suddenly, a strong force escape her body. And then in a blink of an eye. The wooden house burned into ashes. Screams of pain and agony filled the forest. "A demon! Ahhh!!!!"

She was flabbergasted at the sight of the burning house, and the foul smell of a burnt body lingers through the air. The heat did not even affect her nor leave a burn on her skin. And then suddenly she realized.. that is was her.... it was her all along. Who burned the house into ashes. She was the demon.

The sound of the horses weighing and stomping stop her ocean of thoughts. And its getting nearer and nearer. The young miss flapped her black wings and flew unto the tallest tree. She watched as four horses came into a halt infront of the wooden chair from were she sat a while ago.

One of the horses riders sniff into the air. "Demons! Its faint smell reeks in the air" said the black haired lad.

Isolde frown and shake her head. For the hunter (herself) is being hunted.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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