chaptre uno: a sack of gold or a sack of knowledge

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"Fear not people of his majesty's! The King willfred! Has sent me unto this mission to rescue all of you from a great danger!" The young maiden yelled unto the people who were now violent and loud.

"We do not need rescuing young lady! We will rot here forever! With golds unto our hands!" One of the villagers said.

"Indeed? You are exchanging your freedom for a sack of gold?hmm... interesting" her voice was cold and heavy.

"Yes! Yes! Indeed! Now go and do'nt ever come back! The treasure that lay here is ours to behold!" Such commoners way of thinking.

"You will die in here with hunger" isolde said lowly why holding the head of her sharpened sword.

The commoners did not mind her and  was filled with joy while throwing gold coins unto the air. They were inside the cold dungeon yet they flocked there with happiness for inside it has thousands of gold and treasures.

The other dungeons were only bones and heads. The foul smell lingers in it but they didnt seem to notice. "Surely your family will mourn and grieve, for you have choosen a sack of gold than the true treasure, your loved ones" they grew silent by what the young lady told them. Indeed family is the true treasure.

"But young miss, we will only suffer if we go back to the village! For the system was corupt and the King itself is greedy! We can barely eat one grain of wheat because of the high taxes that they implement!" The old man shouted.

"Indeed! The five grands of coins policy was too much!"

"Calm down people, the king sent me here to rescue all of you, it only means that he cared for his villagers" the lady said.

"Heh! He is interested in the gold we will get in the dangerous island!" The young miss shook her head. The commoners mind was clouded with treasures and greed.

"Then i have something to offer that might change your mind or you will find interesting" isolde said with a grin on here face.

The commoner frown. "What is it?"

"I will only tell you if you accept my offer" the villagers look at each other.
"Adequate, we will accept the offer" a smile was plastered behind her cold façade.

"Very well, you can choose between the two, so choose the right answer" she fake a cough and stand proudly.

"A sack of gold or a sack of knowledge? Choose rightfully my beloved villagers" the dungeon was filled with frowns and disarray. Neither of them understand what might be the meaning of it.

They were torn between knowledge and gold. Isolde really knows that what the heart of commoners dreams was knowledge, they seem to be very thirsty when it comes to it.

"For fair right and purposes i might as well explain it to you, you want to die here or you will have some knowledge to continue living and die with wisdom, choose now or you will suffer an eternity of torment, ignorance will lead you to death my fellow villagers" her voice was cold as the blazing breeze of the snow.

A moment of silence but then they have come to a rightful answer.
"V-very well, we choose the sack of knowledge" the young lady smiled and cleared its throat.

"That, gentlemen i would tell you, if.. we  get out here and safely land our feet into our majesty's land" the commoners looks annoyed but they feel silent and nod.

As they assemble unto the seashore everyone was silent. They cannot take the gold inside the dungeon for it us cursed. "Are you all ready my beloved villagers?" They all nod as the ship moves in the vast ocean.

The sun is setting but the heat of it still manage to cross the young lady's porcelain skin. 8 hours have past and they have arrived safely. As soon as they step foot at the land of the King they all stop and ask the young miss.

"Where is the part of the offer young mistress?" She cough and stop at her tracks.

"Adequate, lets sit for a while" said isolde as they stop in the middle of the forest.

"The sack of knowledge my fellow people, is--- inside you" the faces of the commoners turn into a frown and grimace.

"What do you mean you wench?! Is this what we exchange for sack of golds?!" They agreed to each other and violent reactions echoed in the fog forest.

"Indeed, gentlemans, the sack of knowledge is inside you, and it is---- your heart, that is because the people that is inside that heart of yours, loved ones, family, or friends-- is worth than thousands or thrillions of golds even diamonds would pale in comparison of how valuable the people on your heart is, and it is your greatest knowledge,my gentle folksman" she said with grace and authority. They were shoked by what she said.

This young lady infront of them is indeed a mystery that they cannot fathom.


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