"Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer, but as King he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people. There is one in particular that might buy us some time."

Humming slightly, I realise that his desire to be King could possibly be his downfall - slightly ironic in my opinion. Then again, it is always the things we desire that ruin our barriers that we build. I lean forward eager to hear his proposal - resting my hand upon my knees and my chin in my palm.

"A duel, against the High King of Narnia."

It goes eerily quite until an uproar begins - some agreeing and some highly against the idea, my brother extremely for the latter. I bite the inside of my lip, weighing the options in my mind, until Peter raises his hand - demanding silence that he automatically receives.

"I guess that settles it then. I will battle Miraz to the death, just as tradition states."

My jaw drops open in shock, unused to his selfishness that is so evident within him - after all, the past two years have been all about him. Yet as I stare into his eyes, I realise that he has made up his mind, and there is no way we are going to convince him otherwise. Suddenly, I hear Edmund speak up from the stair.

"Pete, I don't think-"
"Its the only chance we have Ed!"

Peter interrupts, shaking his head in a defeated manner. I notice Edmund snapping his mouth shut yet before I can send him a soft look to help calm him down, Peter speaks once again.

"Lucy and Susan need to get through."

A murmur of agreements travel throughout the room and I sigh, closing my eyes as the talk of battle strategies take place around me - a small ounce of doubt overpowered by the immense hope for this to all turn out well.


Standing in slight awe, I hold the dress up higher into the light in order to get a better look at the design - the sewing rather immaculate. Peter had dismissed the council a while ago, before ordering everyone to get prepared - himself lost in his own thoughts as he prepares his proposal to Miraz. Unsure of what to do, already dressed in armour with my weapons newly sharpened, I had followed Susan and Lucy through the maze of tunnels until we reached the armoury - two dresses with armour built into the material hanging upon a few rocks. A faun had winked toward Susan and I before exiting the room, leaving the three of us here now - my mouth dropped open in amazement. Quickly, I usher into a smaller room just off to the side with the two girls following me - the armoury already filling up with Narnian's preparing for battle. Undressing myself, I shiver at the slight breeze as I pull the new dress above my head - wincing slightly as the chainmail catches on a few strands of hair. Yet I don't let this bother me as I pull it down and adjust it to fit me correctly - the sizing somehow perfect. Nodding in an impressed manner, I tighten the straps on the back just as a loud sigh echoes out - my eyes drawing toward Lucy as she smiles slightly.

"I still remember the time all three of us wore something like that. It was the first battle we actually fought without the boys."

Snorting softly, I shake my head at the fond memory - sitting down upon a lone rock with a soft thud.

"I remember that. The boys were working on a trade with Calormen, far too busy to recognise the minotaur's were conspiring up in the North. They technically left us no choice. "

The Pevensie girls giggle at this, Lucy bouncing to sit beside me as her sister joins the conversation - her voice echoing throughout the small room.

"That's right. We had it take matters into our own hands to save those small animal towns from being destroyed. The boys were so angry with us, especially Peter."

The Return of the Brave & the Honest // NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now