You Are Not || Peter Parker [Part 2]

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"Here's my old clothes, they're smaller but you're pretty tiny so if you want a belt I have those too" you flip him off as you push him out of his own bedroom door

Beginning to change your phone rings and since Friday is attached it automatically answers and you know it's Tony
"Y/n! Where are you! You took my car! You could be hurt! What the hell were you thinking!"

"I'm safe, your cars on 52nd street, I left the keys at Peter's, I'm perfectly fine and I was thinking that if you try to drill anymore of your tough love crap into my brain I might explode yours!" you end up screaming throwing the phone at the door

There's a knock in response which makes you chuckle "yeah you can come in" he pushes the door open to the sight of you making purple swirls dance around his room like ballerina dancers

"He's still on the phone"
"I know, at least he knows I'm with you"
"Yeah Spider Man will keep you safe" he chuckles a little picking the phone up checking for damage

Tony listens carefully to the conversation, he knows it's Peter but he just wants to make sure you're really okay "I wasn't talking about Spider Man, Parker" he smiles, he smiles because you didn't lie, you will never treat that boy any different than you would treat anyone else and he loves you for it

The line goes dead after about 20 seconds of probably Peter gawking at you for saying he's better than Spider man, this also makes him smile


"God this hellhole is killing my brain cells" you rarely eat anymore, Tony still has the chef do the regime but you never come to the table

You came back the next day after staying on Peter's top bunk for the night, you spoke to no one, you did no training, you never ate

"Good morning y/n"
"Hey FRIDAY, what's on the itinerary today?"
"Will you think about going to them"
"I'll think about it"
"You have training with Bucky all morning, then lunch which I know you won't go to, you have to do some hacking training with Mr Stark and then you're free"

"Okay, okay, I think I can handle Bucky" you breath in deeply before pulling on your workout clothes which still fit you as perfectly as last month
"One step at a time right FRIDAY?"
"Of course" you smile a little leaving your room for the first time in a little under a week

You step through the doors of your regular training room and Bucky nearly cries at the sight of your workout clothes
"I thought you were dead"
"Understatement, lets fight"

He tries to stretch but you kick at him "I don't get to stretch in battle, hit me"
He shrugs as you put up your defence getting ready to offence you but you break like a twig dropping your arms feeling him punch you square in the face but it doesn't really feel like anything

"Oh my god, are you okay?"
"Why? Are you?" You've clearly disassociated with the world as you just stare into complete nothingness a bruise forming on your face but you can't feel a thing that's happening

"I think I love Peter" you finally say after you've both sat in silence for a good half an hour, he clearly wasn't expecting it but it didn't shock him either
"I think you love Peter too"

"I don't want to"
"What?" He's confused, he thought teenage girls were supposed to be giddy and happy about having a first crush what is wrong with you

He presses his panic button which puts up a screen to Tony, he's ready to come and take you down but turns confused when he sees you sitting on the floor with tears leaking out your eyes

"I don't want to love him, I don't want to, Buck I can't I can't do it, I can't hurt him, he can't hurt me, everything's wrong it's all wrong make it stop please I don't know how to fix it stop" you're hyperventilating begging for this poor confused old man to fix your brain when he can't

"FRIDAY, send Peter's suit to pick him up, Bucky exit the room carefully if she makes any move to stop you stay but if she doesn't leave quietly" he does as he's told slowly backing out of the room pretending none of this is happening

All the avengers currently available are called to a meeting and everyone stares in confusion at your form that is now laying flat on your back completely zoned out but still crying

"Uhhhhh hello?" Someone calls from the hallway, Tony pulls him into the meeting room and points to your figure
"What's this, why is she doing that?"
"That's crying?" He is truly confused

"Did you hurt her?"
"What! no, why would I hurt her?"
"I don't know maybe you get a kick out of watching her do that?"
"Wait is she alone?"
"Well yeah" he mutters angrily to himself sprinting his way to the room you're in

"Y/n? Y/n? Y/n!" He calls out to you but you don't respond, not even to your own name you just lay there staring blankly at ceiling until he joins staring at the same spot

"What happened?"
"I broke, and Bucky punched me in the face" Bucky scoffs loudly from his side of the screen
"Why did you break?"
"Because..." you trail realising that you're talking to the reason but he waits quietly letting your hand find his in the peace before you bring the storm

"Because I realised I think about the way the sun hits your eyes at 5 in autumn too much"
"What? Why would you think about my eyes?" Half of the group are swooning over how cute this is and the other half are getting annoyed by how stupid Peter can be around girls

"I realised how much I liked that stupid dumb sweater, I realised how much your stupid grin makes me want to explode, I realised how much you coming to find me after that argument meant to me, I realised that I saw your porn stash and then we just forgot it happened"

Everyone laughs in unisons at that, and in that moment it's peaceful, before you continue

"I realised how much being around you scares me even if I pretend it doesn't, I realised how crazy you make my powers go when you touch me, I realised how cute those freckles under your eyes look when you smile and they all crinkle up, I realised everything about you is breathtaking even if it's those stupid Star Wars Lego buildings"

"You said they were cool" he says quickly in defence sitting up, you follow suit just as quickly now sitting face to face barely even 2cm apart
"I couldn't care less what they were Pete, you made them, you took the time and care to make them properly and you followed the instructions and you made them with Ned I think they're incredible"

He's smiling softly at you, you can see the freckle under his eye that always makes you want to kiss him

"I realised all those things about you a long time ago, I was just waiting for you to think them about me too" and then you're just staring at each other, like you're waiting for someone to press play on life again

Luckily someone does

"Would you two kids kiss already, Cap's already fainted from the 'porn stash' comment"
"I did not faint at the comment, for your information Tony"
"Are you sure cause started turning different shades of red, white and blue in the corner over there"

You chuckle gently leaning your forehead against the boys shoulder allowing him to drag you into his lap and hold you there for the rest of the evening until he had to go home

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