You Are Not || Peter Parker [Part 1]

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"Starky" you grumble entering the kitchen slowly waiting for morning to welcome you into its embrace instead of giving you the cold shoulder of sleep deprivation

"Would you stop calling me that y/n"
"Change your name and I'll stop calling you it" he just rolls his eyes asking FRIDAY who has a morning call today
"I have also informed Karen to call Peter's phone and wake him up so he will be here on time"

"On time for what?" You both ask stating at the ceiling like the AI is a person
"He has a training session with Natasha at 1300, he has a lunch that was preplanned 3 months in advance with you Mr Stark at 1400, and he will probably just move around until someone asks him to leave after that"

"Who ever asks him to leave?" He grumbles to himself
"I do"
"Y/n does" you and the AI respond in almost synchronicity
"Because he is Peter Parker more than he is Spider Man, and I will never treat him otherwise"

"You're so dramatic"
"Well, I am a teenager" you shrug waving your toast at him as you exit the room once again to go to training


"Look who's here everyone!" Is called whilst you all begrudgingly eat a sickeningly healthy lunch to go with the fun new health plan Stark designed for you individually

"Hey it's spiderboy" Sam calls from his seat next to you, you kick him in the leg making him scowl at your face
Bucky doesn't even attempt an insult knowing you won't be as kind to him and he has training with you next

"Hey Pete, you want some pathetic sad food before I throw it in the bin"
"Would you eat the food I prepare for you"
"How about you tell your chef to forget the stupid regime because all it's making me do is eat less and less because if I have to touch another tuna steak with my tongue ever again I'll walk over to you and vomit it in your face instead of my toilet"

"So training?" Bucky states quickly standing already dragging you away from them all knowing you can and will fight every one of them into the ground
"Sometimes I wanna punch him in the face"
"Why don't you train with him then"

"He wouldn't take the suit off" you walk to the middle of the mat doing your respective stretches, Bucky being one the most highly trained people in the building was tasked with either removing you from the vicinity or training you in hand to hand combat

"What so you'd fight him without the suit" he stands ready to fight and you nod cracking your neck before putting up a defensive stance "defensive good"
"I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings"
"He's a good man"

"I never said he wasn't" you're clearly getting irritated because your defensive immediately turns into kicking at him, he blocks it knowing your attacks like the back of his hand which is information he's never allowed to discuss with anyone

"So why do you think he wouldn't go without the suit" you begin trying new patterns out on him, he clicks on quickly though becoming more offensive with his own fighting
"I don't know; fear, responsibility, his massive ego"

You shrug a little taking him down with a swift kick to the legs after you've managed to spin around behind him, he stands again throwing you your water cooling off for a few moments before beginning again

This time you don't even bother with defensive just going at him, you know when your powers are needed and they know they aren't needed right now so it's never been a worry between the two of you

"Why do you say fear" he punches you in the face and you scoff at him
"I don't think he's ever touched me, from the time I met him until now" you kick at his knee and for once you get it after your statement

"Do you think that could be because you just yelled at him about tuna steak" you kick him down again and he groans remaining on the floor
"I gave up trying to be liked, I live here now and if he doesn't like that he can tell me to leave that's fine with me"

You pick up your things exiting the training room to shower before changing into different training clothes and running on the treadmill for 2 hours straight trying to release something that wasn't anger


You had given up on running about 30 minutes ago, now you were just sitting on the end of the treadmill staring at the floor holding back tears of frustration

No one had to use this gym for another hour so you thought you were good until you heard the door open and jumped up into the air defensive stance and purple swirly magic all at once

"Calm down, it's just me"
"Parker, you gave me a heart attack" he smiles apologetically as you float back down to the floor and actually turn your machine off for once

"I was about to leave if you wanted to use the training room"
"I don't have training kind of clothes on" he gestures to the fluffy jumper he's currently wearing over a flannel
"I like that jumper" he sends you a lopsided grin that made even your heart flutter a little

"I was looking for you actually"
"Have you been looking for me since your lunch with Stark?" He nods "why didn't you just ask FRIDAY?"
"I don't know, I don't live here so she doesn't have my voice all set up"

"Yes y/n?"
"Voice recognition, Peter Parker"
"Okay" you mouth to the boy to say a sentence of which he seems to forget how to do
"Uh-Uh-uhhhhhh- Hi I'm Peter" you laugh a little at his awkwardness around just you and an AI

"Hello Peter, my name is FRIDAY, I will run your voice recognition by Mr Stark and then you should be in" he sends you the same lopsided grin looking up through his mop of curls

"Why didn't you say I was Spider Man?"
"Spider Man doesn't wear baby blue fluffy jumpers" he blushes a little as you begin to exit the room "Well Parker, did you come find me for no reason or are you tagging along?"


"And then he decided to inform me that I am the most annoying creature on this planet so I told him to fucking fight me and I left"
"And now you're at my apartment"
"So can I come in now please?"

"Yeah sure" he laughs a little opening the door all the way until you face a woman that looks around the same age as Tony but very good looking none the less

"I'm guessing you're May" you say awkwardly stopping in your tracks abruptly upon her sighting
"And I'm guessing you're y/n, I've heard about you"
"I'm sure I've heard more about you"
"Oh sweetie, I really doubt that" you can hear Peter hissing at her to shut up behind your head

He begins dragging you towards what you presume is his bedroom when you come face to face with posters and Lego's, you're pretty sure he noticed them as well because he practically shrinks into himself

"These look incredible" are the only words you can form as you stare at the large structures made from tiny bricks
"Are you joking? This must have took so long, I can't imagine loving something so much you spend that much time on it"

You hear him fumble over his own breathing when you say 'loving', it's cute, he's adorable

"Oh I'm sorry, did I interrupt you doing something before I knocked on your door?" You don't even gesture to what you're looking at before he jumps into action flying into his bed

You hear May start to open his door and you both scream in response
"Oh my god this situation is so much worse if you join it!" You yell through the door making her laugh knowingly
He shudders in response and you close your eyes allowing him to move things off the bed, including the sheets for both of your comfort

"So, what exactly do you plan on doing tonight because it's 10 already and I know he'll get mad at me if I let you leave my apartment this late"
"You're slick Parker, but if you want me to stay you have to go do the ask of shame"

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