"Get us to the Narnian's, and it will."


Jolting forward slightly, I open my eyes to see the boat having finally reached the bank - the trees rather lush and the flowers not yet bloomed. Although I'm not entirely sure where we are, I know the boys wouldn't lead us astray throughout Narnia - we did practicality grow up in these areas. Slowly I lift my head off Edmund's shoulder, sending him a grateful smile while hoping my face doesn't increase in blush - the warmth slowly spreading across my cheeks despite my efforts. Although, as I do shuffle away from the boy I swear I notice a small tinge of red appearing in his own cheeks - travelling up from his neck. Shaking my head slowly, I stand up and manoeuvre my way off the small boat - landing with a loud thump against the rocky bank. I realise we're most likely in the heart of Narnia, for the shores are no longer lines with soft sand, but rather pointy rocks. Before I can decipher where we even are, I'm pulled in the direction of the forest - away from the boat and those that are helping to anchor it to shore. I yelp in surprise while Lucy chuckles, her eyes dancing with excitement.

"Come on, we're going exploring."

Snorting slightly, I mumble a small 'fine' despite feeling excited myself. I've missed Narnia, and my hope was slowly dying after two years of living back in Finchley. Yet here we are again, breathing in the fresh air and wandering through a world where mythical creatures are the normality. At least, that's what it used to be - now I'm not so sure anymore.

"Hello there."

Jumping at the sound of Lucy's voice, my head snaps away from the forest to see a bear standing in front of us - his gaze rather still and his mouth tightly shut. Lucy continues to talk, trying to convince the animal that we're friends - all while walking closer to it with a wide grin. I gulp slightly as the bear stands up on its hind legs before falling back down onto all fours - his front paw acting as though he's about to charge. I squeeze Lucy's hand softly, trying to get her attention as the bear stalks closer to us.

"Lu, I don't like this."

Before I can further explain my suspicion, a yell echoes out from behind us - my gaze peering over my shoulder to see Trumpkin holding his hands out as though warning us.

"Don't move your majesties!"

As he softly shuffles back toward the boat, I slowly spin around to face the bear - letting out a gasp as it begins to changer toward Lucy and I. Completely ignoring our new friends advice, I turn on my heel and begin to sprint back toward the boat - dragging Lucy along with me. I can hear the bear getting closer, it's growls terrifying me to no end. Suddenly, a yelp echoes out and before I have a chance to decipher it, I'm pulled to the ground with a thud. I groan, feeling my back erupt in pain as I land awkwardly on a rock - only for my attention to focus back onto the bear as it continues to charge. I scream out in fear, the sound blending with Lucy's as well as the boys shouts for Susan to shoot. Suddenly, the bear rears up on its hind legs and I brace myself for the oncoming slaughter when an arrow pierces its chest - the animal falling onto its back with a loud thud. I stare at it, too afraid to move in case it's simply playing dead. Yet, as I continue to watch it, I realise the animal is in fact dead. Letting out a breath of relief, I spin onto my stomach in order to that Susan - only to realise her bright red arrow is still knocked into her bow. My eyes widen as I see Trumpkin lower is own bow, walking toward us with a hard glare. As he does, I see Susan shake her head with disbelief.

"Why wouldn't he stop?"

The dwarf shrugs without a drop of shock, mumbling something about the creature being hungry. I glance back at the creature, utterly confused by its behaviour when I'm suddenly pulled to my feet by a strange pair of arms. I glance up at Andrew, sending him a soft nod to acknowledge I'm okay - his gaze staring at me intensely for injuries. As give in to his inspection, I hear Lucy thank our new friend. I mutter an agreement, not really being able to speak properly as Andrew moves my head side to side - continuing to check for cuts and bruises. He slowly lets me go, muttering a few things along the line of 'I swear Soph' and 'Never leave my side again' that cause me to shake my head in fondness. While he may constantly be getting into fights, he still cares and that's all that truly matters. Suddenly, I hear Edmund let out a soft gasp.

"He was wild!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him lowering his sword - Peter doing the same as they realise the animal is no longer a threat.

"I don't think he could talk at all."

Peter adds, his words confusing me slightly. While there were a few animals that couldn't talk, it was simply because they were shy and chose not to address us - this is something new entirely. Noticing Andrew still hasn't lowered his sword, I push it down slowly - ignoring the slight resistance. As I get my brother to sheathe it, I notice Trumpkin standing above the bear - a knife in hand and a grimace upon his face.

"You get treated like a dumb animal long enough, that's what you become. You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember."

Before I have time to turn away, Trumpkin stabs the bear in a similar manner to that of a butcher back in England. Wincing and gagging ever so slightly, I turn away and bury my head in Andrew's chest - something I used to do when I was little and I didn't like what I was seeing. It's quite strange, really, that I can fight my way perfectly through a gruesome battle yet can't watch a dead animal being dissected. Maybe it's because I know this animal is innocent, that he never meant to hurt Lucy and I - he doesn't know right from wrong. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder that causes me to glance upward - keeping my gaze solely focused on my brother rather than the animal beside us.

"Go grab your weapons and meet us at the edge of the forest."

His words are soft, as though he doesn't want to scare me any more than I already am. I nod slowly whilst prying myself away from him - making my way back toward the boat which is simply drifting on the bank. Before I can get very far, however, Peter's voice reaches my ears.

"Lu, go with Sophia."

I gaze over my shoulder to see Lucy running toward me - gripping my outspread hand tightly. I squeeze it back softly before walking toward the boat once again - ignoring the sound of a few things breaking behind us. Suddenly, I hear Lucy let out a soft snort of amusement.

"Why's it always us?"

I glance at her with an amused smile, realising just exactly what she means. Over the twelve years of our ruling, Lucy and I were the two that got into the most trouble - often misjudging situations or being used as leverage for our siblings. More often than not I was able to get us out, but certain situations resulted in the need for rescuing - similar to this one. Letting out a giggle, I shrug softly as I smile wide.

"Maybe we're just special."

Lucy laughs loudly at this, the fear from before slowly disappearing from my mind - almost as if the dark cloud is flying away. As we reach the boat, I quickly wrap my quiver around my back and my belt around my waist - the looking scope dangling securely from it. Suddenly I let out a gasp, a realisation coming to mind. Hastily, I grip my looking scope and place it to my eye - thinking of the name Prince Caspian over and over. My looking scope fades from darkness to reveal a boy that looks to be around twenty one wandering through the Narnian forest. Beside him is a black dwarf, Nikabrik according to Trumpkin - they've been friends for quite some time, having grown up together hiding from the Telmerine's. Behind the two is a badger, I believe Trumpkin called him Trufflehunter, with Susan's horn in hand. I smile softly and pull the looking scope away from eye - blinking rapidly at the bright light from the sun. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Lucy shaking her head in amusement, which causes me to roll my eyes in retaliation. We giggle toward one another before Lucy guides me to the forest edge - the others already waiting under the shade of the tree. I notice Peter tapping his foot impatiently, and I bite my lip to stop myself from rolling my eyes - this is going to be a long trip.

The Return of the Brave & the Honest // NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now