"Yeah . . . We encountered plenty of complications on the way here, you have a minor head injury . . . You have a broken rib and an injured leg,"

"Excuse me?!"

He shared all the details with me. They encountered problems right after leaving the train. They explored London with the assistance of Timone and Enoch. They attempted to locate a peculiar pigeon. Discovered a loop. Recruited new members. Were forced to leave the loop due to the Hollow attack. Suddenly, bombs began falling from the sky. The peculiars sought shelter in a house that was attacked by a hollow, but luckily they all escaped in time.

Shrapnel flew and narrowly missed my leg, leading to my leg injury. Timone, who was carrying me, accidentally dropped me causing a head injury. The collapsing building caused rib injuries, according to Timone. Finally, they discovered Miss Wren's hidden hideout, and now we're here.

"Did you come across Cal. . ." I trailed off again.

"Callum?" Timone repeated. Then he suddenly looked left and right and he leaned in close, "I know this Callum guy is not really your friend, Kira," Tiomone whispered. "He's your brother, isn't he?"

I smiled smugly, I leaned forward with great effort and whispered, "I know you're not just a . . . peculiar boy who hangs out at the animal's menagerie . . . you're a spy. . . that made a document on my brother . . . and you're only here with us . . . because now you wanna know all about me,"

Timone leans back, he kinda looks impressed. "So you know," he said. "I'll have you know that it was Miss Wren who had sent me to do this,"


"She wants to know more about the both of you, but she was so interested in Bryce because he is a son to a Ymbryne, she was mainly curious about him, but my documentation on him ended when he joined the wights," he whispered.

"So you know he's a wight . . . does Miss-" I reclined as I experienced another wave of pain hitting me in the stomach. I let out a small groan.

Timone nodded. "Yeah, Miss Wren knows. Bryce came back to his loop one night, and at the very sight of him, his Ymbryne kicked him out of the loop right away, but Bryce said he couldn't care any less about staying now that he had a mission, and that was finding his sister, he claims that it'll become much easier now that he won't be forcefully kept back, and that's when his ymbryne knew that she made a mistake,"

"Ok, what's so bad about me and Bryce . . . meeting each other? . . . Everyone has been so against it throughout . . . . our entire lives!"

Timone shrugged, "I wish I knew, it would make better sense for my research, anyway," Timone continued.

"There's more?" I interrupted him.

Timone nodded, "I continued the documentation on him out of curiosity, maybe he'll help me find you, so I kept a close eye on him. At one point, I did go up to him and asked why is it so important for him to find you, and he said that 'if he finds you he'll know how to keep you safe and away from any nearby wights or hollows and keep you out of things you don't want to come across with'," said Timone, "Personally, I thought it was a lie, he was a wight after all, and wights always get what they want in the end. If you think about it hard enough, it sounded stupid, your own brother turning himself into a wight only just to find his sister and keep her away from things. I thought he went mad!"


"By then, Miss Wren assigned me to my next case, which was finding you," he said. "Wren instructed me to learn all that I can about you as well as steer you away from your brother as best as I can. We both didn't quite know what his real intentions were,"

"Right, the both of you are . . . Assholes," I uttered.

Timone chuckled, "You know what, I agree," he smiled, "On the day you were taken away from us, back at the shed with the gypsies, my perspective on Bryce changed when he returned with you in the car and the both of you working together to save us and to drive us to the next station to board the train," t brought a smile to my face to hear everything Timone shared with me, filling me with pride. "But although, it confuses me when he didn't want to hop on the train with us,"

"Yeah, I don't know why either," I said, I looked at Timone, "Thank you . . . for sharing that, it helps me . . . learn about Bryce more," I grabbed Timone's hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"Kira, holy crap!" We were startled by another voice, this time it was Jake. As soon as he said my name, the rest of the group joined us.

"Are you alright?!" Emma said as she hurried over to me and grasped both of my hands in hers.

"To be honest, I'm not sure?" I replied after retracting my hands, I exerted effort to sit up. The sudden motion triggered a sharp, unpleasant pain on my side as if someone had stabbed me with a hot, stinging object near my rib cage. I couldn't help but groan, instinctively leaning towards the affected area to shield it from further discomfort.

"What's wrong?!" Emma said quickly.

As I adjusted my posture, I gently lowered the blanket onto my lap. It was then that I noticed my attire consisted solely of a white singlet and loose white pants. Curiosity led me to lift the side of my singlet, revealing a massive bruise. Its hues resembled a peculiar galaxy, with patches of purple, brown, and yellow all intertwined.

"Oh my bird, what happened there? Do you remember??" Bronwyn asked.

"Yeah, I was poked with a . . . stun stick in the same . . . spot multiple times by a . . . wight for not telling Miss Peregrine's . . . whereabouts," I struggled with saying the sentence in between breaths as I fixed my singlet down "Wait . . . where is Miss Per. . ." I trailed off again.

"Hopefully in the hands of an Ymbryne who knows what she's doing," Enoch grumbled.

"Miss Wren knows her business," Suddenly, a voice with a Russian accent emerged from behind the group of children, causing everyone to startle. "Best leave her to it." As I glanced upwards, I spotted a slender, azure, and remarkably towering gentleman. He had a well-groomed moustache and stood there, his thin arms folded.

 He had a well-groomed moustache and stood there, his thin arms folded

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"You!" said Emma.

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