Chapter 16.

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{ Edited - 11th Aug, 2020 }
{ Edited - 15th April, 2024 }

* * 9 Months Later * *

During most of the night, while everyone was peacefully asleep, Jake would suddenly start screaming around midnight, causing everyone to wake up in a state of concern or fear. Mr and Mrs Portman swiftly decided to relocate me from Jake's room to a more peaceful place, the living room couch, ensuring that I wouldn't be startled by Jake's noisy outburst and so I won't wake up with a damn heart attack.

I'm currently adjusting to the new change, and I've noticed that Jake has been sleeping in the laundry room across from me lately and occasionally. It doesn't bother me in the slightest, the poor boy was grieving. In that particular setting, Jake was calm and quiet. 

Therefore, it was understandable that he decided to maintain his composure on the day of his grandfather's funeral. Since I didn't personally know the man, I made up my mind not to attend. While Jake's parents attended the funeral, I sat back and relaxed on the couch and watched Netflix.

Franklin and Maryann finally came back after a really long time, but just a few moments later, there was a sudden knock on the door. Curious, I glanced out the window and saw a male and female police officers waiting at the front door.

What the crud are they doing here? 

It seemed like nobody was going to answer the door, so I had to take matters into my own hands. I paused my show, got up from the couch, and made my way to the door. With a smile, I opened it and greeted them with a wave. Honestly, I'm not at all surprised to come across the officers who are already so familiar with me.

"Hey Anita, a little birdy told us that you spoke a couple of words not while ago," It made me uncomfortable to see one of them say those words while giving a warm smile.

I blinked while standing there, hoping to make them feel a bit awkward. "Anyone home?" A female officer asked. I nod in response. "Can you fetch them for us?"

I gave a nod and hurried into the Laundry room. I noticed the door was open, so I walked over and found Jake sitting on the dryer with his laptop. "Jake, there's a few officers at the door, they are asking for someone,"I quietly spoke while continuously glancing back at the main door, observing the officers chatting with each other.

"Officers?" Jake quickly set aside his laptop, hopped off the dryer, and dashed towards the main door, with me following closely behind him.

"Are you the son of the Portman family?" asked the female officer.

"Y-Yeah?" said Jake. "How may I assist you today, officers?"

"May I speak to both of you and your parents?" The Female officer glanced in our direction, her eyes meeting mine and Jake's.

Jake and I exchanged concerned looks with each other before turning our attention back to the officer. "What exactly is this about?" Jake asked.

"We will explain everything but we need everyone here." The male officer mentioned as he started to transfer his weight to his other leg.

As I strolled backwards from the door, I turned and explored every nook and cranny in the house until I stumbled upon both Mr and Mrs Portman in the same spot. They were outside tending to their garden, still dressed in their funeral attire. I rapped on the door, making sure they heard me, then pointed behind me.

"Is everything alright?" Maryann asked.

I shrugged, but I pointed behind me again.

"Is someone here?" Franklin asked.

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