Chapter 17.

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{ Edited 18th Aug, 2020 }
{ Edited 16th April, 2024 }

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Dr Golan just suggested that I look into Ralph Waldo Emerson,"


"But Golan said 'Emerson wrote his fair share of letters ' and MAYBE that's what grandpa was referring to! So, I'm gonna ask dad if I'm allowed to go to the library," Jake uttered as he stepped out of the study room and began his search to find his father.

"Wait, Jake! Can't you just search up this Emerson guy on your laptop??" I said raising an eyebrow.

Jake facepalm himself, "I'm stupid!!" He quickly picked up his laptop and began searching for information on Emerson. It didn't take him much time to find the answer he was seeking. "He died in the 1800 and he hasn't written a letter during 1940, well that's dumb!"

* * *

In the aftermath of disappointment, Mr and Mrs Portman were preparing to sell Jake's grandfather's house. I chose to stay back while Jake went with his parents to clean out the house.

I walked into the kitchen and gazed out the window, watching the clouds drift slowly by. Letting out a sigh, I realized I should start pre-planning if I were to meet up with my mother in the future... It's been so long since she last saw me, back when I was just 2 years old. Now, I'm 16 and I highly doubt she'll recognize me. The real dilemma is whether I should reveal my true identity or introduce myself as Anita Wilde.

I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly, the family arrived back home. However, as they walked through the door, none of them appeared to be in a cheerful mood. This made me curious about what had happened while they were away.

"Anita, do you want to see something strange?" said Jake as he approached me from behind.

"Sure," I whispered to him. Jake stood beside me and revealed a crumpled, peculiar yet somehow familiar photo that held no significance to me, except for one thing.

 Jake stood beside me and revealed a crumpled, peculiar yet somehow familiar photo that held no significance to me, except for one thing

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It's my mom and her shiny new wards. I remember trying to sneak it out from Jake's grandfather's house. I must've slipped out from my pocket when we were entering the woods. "That's my mother there," I whispered and tapped on Miss Peregrine.

"Jake, it's time to go," The sound of his mother's footsteps reached my ears as she made her way to the front door.

"Look after it while I'm gone" He let out a sigh while handing me the photos before heading towards the door. I set the photos on the bench in front of me and gazed up at the ceiling. After a few minutes, Jake's father came up behind me.

"Hey, Anita? Can you help me clean this house, we are doing a surprise party for Jake's birthday," Mr portman asked.

I agreed with a nod and showed my approval with a thumbs-up. I quickly stored the photo in my pocket. I assisted Mr Portman by wiping down the kitchen counter, then proceeded to tidy up the living room and computer room. It was a lengthy process, but as I cleaned, a few guests began to arrive.

Mr Portman approached me a few minutes later, saying, "Since everyone is starting to spill into this house, If you want, you can stay in Jake's room until the guest is gone, I can take care of the rest of the cleaning duties from here," he smiled.

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