Chapter 5: The Liar's Bent Truth

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Sleep was not easy.

My bed's comfort could not ease my anxiety. Two more days, will I be a fit queen? I wonder. A funny outcome indeed. The pampered and concealed princess shall be queen. I imagine that the people are too with questions. How would they react if they knew that I am just as uncertain as they are?

I can read two languages, angel and human alike. My handwriting has been complemented by the Kingdom's best mentors as well as the most famous writers. I consider myself to have perfect behavior where conduct and mannerism are considered. I play many instruments including the Harp and Flute. I have taken dance lessons and know a number of them. I have watched and aided my father in his meetings where it concerned making decisions for Lydianna. That is all I have been doing for the past eighteen years and it is laughable. Although I know a lot about our kingdom as of this point in time I know little to nothing about its history. To be exact, I only know of the prophecies.

As the second daughter to ever be born of this bloodline, everyone expects nothing less than a perfect queen. I will not be ungrateful for how my parents have nurtured me but in all honesty, they could have done a better job at raising a perfect queen. They are not all to whom be the fault, I know if I were born as a son things would have been different. Our bloodline has nurtured kings. Kings that are fierce and powerful, kings that were worshipped and admired. How exactly could a father attempt to raise his daughter as brutally as is normalized for sons and how differently could my mother shape me when Queens acted as mere counselors to their husbands? This was new to them, and I feel that their love for me has restricted them from doing exactly what was needed.

They could not allow their daughter to be thrown to train with the men. I would not have hated them for it if they did. I wanted and continuously asked to be trained. My mother would always reject me by saying:

"Women do not train among men, that has never been our place."

"I will never have a strong husband by my side nor will I have him to help me govern this kingdom. Therefore, if I have to play both roles it is only necessary I be treated as both. What use will I be if all I know is to be graceful." On my seventeenth birthday, I mustered the courage to say this to both my parents.

My father only rubbed my head. "You are destined to find your way on your own and you shall when needed, my child."

Why me? Why would Esther put such a heavy burden on a child like me? I sigh.

You underestimate yourself, Lydia, a voice in my head says. The odd thing is it was my voice, am I hearing things again?

You are not. You will be complete soon. Then you shall be yourself, says the same similar voice.

Who are you? I ask in my thoughts.

There was a short silence until I heard the faint whisper reply, you.

I am not completely oblivious to this occurring. My father did tell me that there is no telling what my powers would evoke inside me. I also knew that I would experience immense changes. Voices in my head could just be a mild effect of my powers beginning to unleash. A good sign I would say because I am excited to see what they are.

The next day

"It brings me great joy to know you will be here on such a special day," I say while we walked to the balcony.

I decided if they are pretenders I will be better at the game.

"It is I who be filled with joy. This is an honour that I proudly accept from the royal family of Saint Lydiana." Reno bows and kisses the back of my hand. "I will thank you with gifts I picked out myself for the ceremony."

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