All things he never got to enjoy. How old would Shuichi be now? Wasn't he a year older? So he must be 21? He was 19 when they met right? So maybe he was 20 now, and in just a couple months would turn 21. "Hear that world? I'm 2 decades old!" He lay back down on his bed and held the locket above his head. He kissed it, and held it close to his heart.

Shuichi would come... Shuichi would come and get him back into the safety of that hug he cried in so long ago.

He was going to thank him somehow. Hopefully he didn't fall in love with anyone else. Kokichi stared at the clock. He stared until it struck noon. Still nothing. Shuichi still had the rest of the day to come... no rush. It was just a matter of Kokichi's patients.

Maybe an hour later he heard footsteps. He sat up to see a slip of paper get pushed from underneath his door. Kokichi hopped up to pick it up. It was rare he ever got some sort of mail. His heart almost skipped a beat as his eyes skimmed the page.

Our sincerest apologies,

Due to unforeseen lawsuits and legal issues we have realized our major flaws. Anyone who has been forced under our hand to stay and work for this company is free to leave at any point in time. If you wish to take exit, the front desk will see to it that you have a 100,000,000 yen check for your worries and convenience. Your stay here will be erased from all documents if need be and apartments, houses, etc. Will be helped if it is an issue. All charges released. The front desk will also remove your tracker and revoke your life debt to us.

It has been a pleasure having you here.

Executive Investigator Of appointed case; Saihara Shuichi

Legal signature of owner to company; Byakuya Togami

Have a nice day

He stared at the paper in his hands. He read it again, and again, and again. Hardly knowing what to think, what to do, how to act. It was the feeling of overwhelming joy that was sending his heart beating a mile a minute. It was the relief of freedom he was tasting that welled up in his chest. It was that absolute giddy feeling that had his face burning bright red.

He wasted no time. Not even caring if this was fake or not. A sick joke, or his mind playing evil tricks on him. He grabbed everything that was entitled to him. Messily shoving it into his one and only bag. He went to the door and reached for the handle. Only to realize he was shaking.

It made him pause. Was this really happening? His heart was pounding in his ears, even his palms were sweaty with nerves. The doors typically were locked by now. But he shut his eyes and turned the door knob.

And sure enough, it opened. Kokichi looked out into the hallway cautiously. He only walked out here when he was called down to a client. Never on his own free will. When he did look down both ends of the hallway, he was shocked.

People. Boys his age stepping out hesitantly with things in hand and the paper they received clutched tightly in the other. He couldn't believe his eyes. He wasn't the only one.

For all these years he's spent here, he was never to talk to anyone else. For some reason he completely missed that most kids here wanted to leave badly. He could tell by the look on their face. Full of joy, and fear. Wondering if security was going to march up there and slam them back into the prison of their room.

Kokichi was the first to step out completely. Everyone noticed him. Making him smile softly. He held up the paper, his eyes glazing over his ensured freedom. He looked up, "Well I wouldn't just stand there if I were you." He said loudly. "Let's get the hell out of here!"

Confidence seemed to bloom in each of them. Excitement was born and each smiled and all were hurrying down the hallway. Not everyone down that hallway left. Only about 15 not including him were fleeing.

But oh, there were more. At least that much from each level of the floors, from each age group, from everywhere. All were filing down the stairs and the elevators.

Kokichi made it to floor 1. It was crowded, but a long line to the front desk was being formed. He saw from a distance the front desk women handing them checks and taking off their tracker. He didn't know how long it was until he waited to make it to the front desk.

"Ah, Kokichi..." Aoi smiles gently, almost sad. "You sure you want to go?" Kokichi actually laughed. "Want to go? I never wanted to stay. Now please can you get this off?" He held out his wrist with the tracker. She nodded and brought out a little key, inserting it into a tiny gap and twisting. The tracker popped off in her hand and she handed him his check with a piece of paper attached.

"This is all contacts you need if you want to get back on your feet." Kokichi nodded and went to turn away. "Kokichi?" He heard her call. He turned his head. "If you are asking me to stay, that's a hard pass from me." He says dully. She sighs. "No, just... good luck." She waved him goodbye.

He waves back and can hardly contain himself. The doors of freedom is just 5 feet away... 4 feet... 3 feet... 2... 1! He kicked open the door just for the sake of the moment. Skipping outside in the wonderful summer air. The sky is darkening and he takes a deep breath. Crowds of people are still filing out and meeting up with each other.

His shoulders drop. The mood almost disappearing. What was he going to do? Where was he going to go?


He knew that voice. Even above the shrieks of laughters and joyous cheers. He only turned and saw his beloved. Waving at him from the ever filling parking lot. Kokichi never ran faster, he collided into Shuichi with arms open. He might of knocked him against his car, but he could care less.

He couldn't put into words the amount of everything he was feeling. So, he never spoke. In the moment, even if Shuichi hated him for it, he put his lips to his. Expecting some sort of push, or a well deserved hit, Shuichi wrapped his arms around him, and kissed back.

However many minutes it was, Kokichi broke away breathless. From the kiss and from his running before. He opened his mouth to say something but Shuichi only shushed him with pressing a finger to his lips. "...I know. I know," he said, his smile was beyond enchanting, glowing with joy and pure euphoria.

"And I technically did buy you," He continued softly. "Just not in the way you thought." He held up yet another piece of paper. Kokichi looked at it and it seemed to be set in stone. His freedom declared in a letter, delivered to Shuichi. His eyes glossed over the thick paragraphs. Gradually landing on the words at the bottom of the page. The words that always say at the bottom of a document after buying a partner.

"Purchase Complete"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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