"Not nearly as much trouble as you though," Reuben said.

With a defeated sigh, Jesse got up to her feet and dusted off her overalls with her small hands.

She reached for her backpack, but Reuben grabbed it before she could and swung it with ease over his shoulder.

"Don't worry I got it Jesse," Reuben said, smiling softly. His teeth were as white as snow and his eyes shone like the stars glimmering in the sky.

Jesse stuffed her hands into her pockets and gazed infront of her.

Reuben glanced at Jesse, his eyebrow raising.

"What are you thinking about?" Reuben asked.

"You are just full of questions aren't you? But you wouldn't be interested in it," Jesse said, casting a glance at Reuben.

"Try me. I bet it's some boy you fell madly in love with recently huh," Reuben said, a smirk tugging on his lips.

"What no! Besides look who's talking. Your the one who has the biggest crush in the world here."

Reuben's smirk fell right off his face and his face slowly turned red.

He covered his arm with his pink sleeve in an attempt to cover it up.

"Ugh! Just watch when you fall in love!" He exclaimed grumpily.

Jesse just shook her head, "Like that's ever going to happen."

Jesse and Reuben walked together in silence. They were the best of friends, inseparable. Some fangirls at their school shipped them though and it really bothered both of them to say the least.

They didn't see each other in that way, only as best friends and they both knew that's that was all they would ever be.

"I know this one kid...," Reuben began.

"And...," Jesse continued softly, her eyebrow raising.

"Hear me out okay. He's pretty cool and he seems like your type. Anyways you might as well give him a chance," Reuben said, a small smirk tugging on his lips.

"Reuben...," Jesse began.

He shrugged and said, "You'll make great friends either way... Besides you owe me remember."

Jesse sighed heavily, "What's his name?"

"Lukas," Reuben said plainly.

"I think I heard of him before," Jesse said, gazing at Reuben softly.

"Well I'll show you him tomorrow anyway best friend," Reuben said, smiling broadly.

As the woods opened up into the large green plains, Reuben and Jesse stopped.

"See you tommorow Jesse," Reuben said as he handed Jesse her backpack.

"Yeah," Jesse gently grabbed her backpack from Reuben, "See ya later Reuben."

Jesse quickly hurried home and quietly opened the door.

Quietly, she tip-toed up the stairs, but she forgot to skip the step that creaked.

The creaking was loud and could be heard throughout the house. Jesse was frozen for a second and when she heard her mom's voice call for her she knew she was in trouble.


It was no use running now, so Jesse trudged down the steps and walked into the brightly lit kitchen.

Her mother was sitting rather impatiently at the small kitchen table.

"Where have you been young lady?" Her mom asked harshly, running a hand through her dark brown hair.

"I... Was out in the woods," Jesse said honestly.

Jesse's mother got up from her seat and slammed her hand down on the table, scaring Jesse a bit.

"What have I told you about going out into those woods!" She yelled.

"I was just walking through the woods! I still came back home just fine so what's the big deal!" Jesse shouted.

Jesse's mother suddenly slapped her, hard.

The slap was unbelievably loud and her mother's ring left a small cut underneath Jesse's watering eye.

It was unexpected and uncalled for, but it made Jesse's cheek sting like crazy.

"I've warned you to many times Jesse!"

Jesse turned on her heel and quickly jolted up the creaking stairs and to her small bedroom.

"Get back down here Jesse!"

Jesse hastily slammed her door shut, quickly locking it behind her.

She threw her backpack on the ground and collasped on her bed.

She rubbed her stinging cheek and clenched her two fists into tight balls.

Jesse breathed heavily and plopped down on her bed.

She wrapped her arms around herself and pondered.

Her thoughts were fairly bitter, but eventually she calmed herself down.

Unfortunately, she had to get some rest. It was already really late and plus she had to wake up early for school in the morning.


Reuben is human in this story and so are all the other animal's in minecraft story mode.

Alright I'll see ya in the next chapter.

Summer Love: Before the SparkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora