3; Coexist

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Sadly, the few days i took off weren't filled with relaxing and just being a lazy person, no un-fucking-fortunately not. The League of Villains took this as an opportunity to take me with them on a supply run for a new plan Shigaraki made and was unwilling to share. i suspected it was his way of taking the League on a fun 'teambuilding' trip. The ride there took at least 8 hours and Shiggy- and Twice and Toga who refused to drive back and forth in one day- decided to crash in the city for the night. Shigaraki knew people in the city and got them a safe place to stay for the night. However the people didn't have enough rooms for all of us to get seperate rooms and somehow i ended up together with Dabi in a room, on a bed that was not really for two guys who together had unpredictable moods and therefore tried to avoid touching each other and for whom it were really too hot. We tried to sleep, really, well at least i tried.

"God damn it Chickenbird you're hording the blanket." Dabi said as he tugged at the blanket harshly. 

"Am not! It's not my fault your fat ass butt can't fit under. Besides I'm not even underneath it it's too hot." I protested and i let him pull the blankets away. He sighed and groaned. 

"It's your big ass wings that are taking up the entire space." Dabi grumbled, "They're not, they're as small as i can get them." I gestured to the pile of red feathers next to the bed.
Dabi sighed again and sat up.

"Fine, i just can't sleep when you're so close to me." he said and i raised an eyebrow almost wanting to be offened before I recognised the dark look in his eyes from two days before. We hadn't talked about semi sort of make-out session yet and i had assumed it was just to blow off some steam, not that it he was actually attracted to me. "I- What?" I managed to breath out stupidly as i sat up and shifted facing Dabi.

"Kiss me, damn it." Dabi said leaning forward. Our lips met, he pressed eagerly and i let him kiss me, still confused. After a few minutes i pulled back and liedon my back down on the bed, "That's it we're not doing anything else." I said softly, he scoffed but accepted it, not pushing any further. The head of the bed was underneath a window, i had lied down with my head away from the window so i could prop my legs up against the window frame, the window was open and provided a warm but cooling breeze. Dabi lied down with his head on the pillow slightly propped up  and looked at me. I lied my head against his leg, feeling the need to touch him even if it was in such a insignificant manner. 

"What are you doing?" Dabi asked as he kept staring at me, "Nothing just chilling, it's too hot to sleep, too hot to do anything honestly" The weather had warmed up pretty quickly since the last two days, even though it was still May.

"Yeah," Dabi fished a cigarette from his package and lit it with a snap of finger. "Can't you send one of your feathers to fetch us something to drink? If we're gonna stay up we at least got to enjoy a drink."
I did as was told even with some reluctance so because i didn't like to be told what to do, even if it was by someone fairly hot.

The few feathers i send came back with two bottles of rum, after Dabi had just finished his cigarette, "Rum?" Dabi asked, I shrugged as i unlid one of the bottles.
"I can't see with the feather, i can sort of sense the surroundings and I sensed there was aisle full of bottles and I send them for the nearest bottle." I explained. 

Dabi grabbed the pack of cigarettes from the nightstand again and pulled another one out. He lit it a took a drag before he offered me the same cigarette. I took a drag and we passed it back and forth until we finished it. We also drank and in a small amount of time the first bottle was nearly empty.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." I said, not being sure what i meant myself, maybe the liquor was already kicking in, or maybe just the exhaustion, i continued speaking anyway, "Just smoking cigarettes, watching the liquor spill, holding on to old memories, ya know what i mean?" i slurred, my mind was getting a little blurry, too much to drink? Probably. Why did i say holding on to old memories, did this remind me of something in the past? 

Make The Best Out Of It, A Dabihawks StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant