Some friends aren't really friends.

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Remember when I told you that people will eventually forget about your death? Well, some people have already forgotten about my death. Honestly, I was hoping it would take them at least one month, but this was faster than I was expecting.

I was sitting beside Red when Alex approached her.

"You do know that that was a fake letter, right?" Alex asked Red. 

"Yes, and I know that you know who faked it."

I wasn't surprised that they were the ones who figured things out. Back when I was still alive, I used to call them at 2 am and tell them about other people's secrets. I don't do it to spread rumors, I do it because secrets are too much for me.

You know, when sometimes people tell you their secrets and then decide to tell you every single detail everytime there's "progress"? It feels like you're being told a secret every single day. Having too many secrets in your mind will actually make your head hurt. Sometimes you just have to share your knowledge to other people.

In my case, I have Red and Alex. They've both been tried and tested to not spread secrets to other people. Unlike me, I always feel the need to tell. But the thing is, I know who to tell and who not to tell. 

"Hey, guys? I've contacted the security person from the building and asked for the security camera recordings for that day." Autumn said.

As soon as our friends heard what she said, they gathered around Autumn.

Ahh, so this is the investigating committee?

There's Autumn, Summer and Hazel, Alex and Red, Frank, Vaugn, Stephanie, Poppie and Matty, Sasha and Xavier, Elliott, Brent and Nate. 

So my murderer was part of the group? Interesting.

I wonder how they would react to the security video? I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see that all this time, the person who they admired so much, the person who they trusted all these years, the person who they least suspected was the one who killed me.

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