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Emma's POV

"So before graduation as you know we're going on a trip to New York now you're gonna pick 4 classmates to share a suite with  you can pick 2 girls and 2 boys that way you'll have your own room, so I'm gonna give you ten minutes to create your team and come tell me so I can write it down" the teacher said.

"Em come" ellie screamed and i went over.

"So who are we gonna pair up with" I ask.

"Well don't kill me" ellie said.

"I already went to the teacher and she wrote us down" Ethan said with Grayson beside him ohh fuck my life...thanks a lot ellie.

"Oh that's just great" I mumble under my breath.

"What's that baby girl" Ethan whispers in my ear and I take my knee and subtly kick him.

"Don't think that just because I'm gonna go in this trip with you that everything is suddenly better I'm only doing this for Ellie" I say.

"Oh come on Emma just please forgive me" he says.

"Yess sure... in your wildest dreams" I say.

"Well you are in my wildest dreams" he leans in and whispers in my ear.

"Well Nate has been in mine so much lately what a coincidence" I whisper back and all of his confidence appears to fade away this confident boy seemed to be so vulnerable right now but then suddenly the bell rand and I walk out with Ellie.

"Emma I'm so exited for New York we beee to go buy new outfits so I can impress Grayson" she says.

"Yes we need to buy a bunch of stuff and cute outfits" I say.

"Ellie" I hear a familiar voice behind ellie.

"What happened ethan" she asks him

"Do you mind if I borrow her for a sec" he asks and Ellie looks at me to see if it's ok so I walk with him to a corner.

"Did you really mean what you said about Nate" he asks looking at my eyes he seemed so sad but I couldn't just say that I was lying and that he is the only person that forms part of my wildest dreams.

"Yes I mean I think he might ask me out" I say

"So Do you really feel that same way about Nate as you did with me" he said and my answer is NO.

"I do" I answer simply and he just walks away and I'm left with a couple tears im my eyes as I try to calm down I walk over to ellie.

"Can we just feel early I need to get some things off my mind" I say.

"Sure what do you want to do" she asks.

"Shop" I say .

"Sure let's go" she says with a little chuckle.

——at the mall—-

"Damn ethan" i say.

"What" ellie asks

" i mean he's right I don't even like Nate" I say

"Thank you for admitting that" ellie says

"The only reason I'm actually going out with him is because I didn't want ethan to think that he left me broken".

"Emma I don't want to bother your shopping therapy but look who's over there" ellie says and i look over to where she's pointing and i see Ethan and Grayson walking over to where we are.

"Hello chamberlain" Ethan says.

"Hello to you too ethan" I say.

"So where's the new boyfriend you loose him" Ethan says.

"He's at his house I don't loose things unlike you" I say referring to our situation and I look over to ellie to tell her that we should leave but she and Grayson were in a far corner making out.

"Oh you have got to be Kidding me" I say u ser my breath

"What's wrong" Ethan asks.

"Well I wanted to leave but I came in Ellie's car and  ellie and Grayson can't keep their hands to each other" I say sounding a bit annoyed.

"Why don't you just call you boyfriend" he says.

"Uhh just shut up I'll call a cab" I say.

"Come on I'll take you I don't want to be alone and you have a lot of bags" he says.

"Fine but don't try anything" I say.

I got in his white Range Rover and sent ellie a text about how Ethan is taking me home when I arrived home we just looked into each others eyes I realized he wanted to kiss me even though I also wanted to kiss him I backed away.

"Umm I better go inside my mom is coming back from her business trip today" I say as I walk away.

"Chamberlain" he says.

"What now dolan" I say.

"Forgetting something" he asks.

"Oh my bags" I say and he gets out of the car and opens the back so I can grab my shopping bags.

"Emma" he says.

"What now" I say a bit annoyed.

"You dropped this" he picks up a baby pink lace thing with matching bra from Victoria secret.

"Oh my god" i say and take them away.

"Bye Chamberlain" he says with a chuckle from my embarrassment.

"Bye see you at the airport in a couple days" i say and Tun inside.


Hope you liked this chapter!

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