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As I took another sip of my drink I took another glance towards the door.

"Yo man" Zane smiled as he bounced towards me embracing me in a hug, " I didn't even know you were here"

"Got here about twenty minutes ago, just getting drinks" I laughed following him outside.

"Hidayas coming soon" Zane smiled as he sat down on the grass next to David.

"I'm so excited to see her" I smiled as David nodded in agreement.

"Where's Mariah?" Zane asked.

"She didn't feel well so she just stayed home" I replied.

"That sucks" David replied.

As I nodded my phone buzzed.

"I'm just going to the toilet" I announced as I stood to my feet making my way back inside.

"Hey Heath" Matt smiled as he closed the front door behind him.

"What's up" I smiled noticed Carly and Bruce behind him, "everyone's out back Im just going to the toilet"

As they walked away I quietly slipped into Davids room checking my phone.



On my way now.



Text when your here.


"Did it work?" David asked quietly as he came into the room.

I nodded smiling, "I'm so excited man"

"Same, he's gonna be so happy" David I'm replied


"Can I have your attention!" David shouted as he climbed on top of the table outside.

Everyone went quiet and turned there attention to David on top of the table.

The music got turned off and David continued talking.

"So recently Zane has been going through stuff, with friends and family" David continued, "So me and Heath have put together a little surprise for him"

David jumped off of the table and went behind Zane putting the bandana over his eyes.

"Guys, you didn't have to get me anything" Zane laughed as we turned him so his attention was on the table David was previously standing on.

I opened the door and motioned for Mariah to come outside.

She smiled as she came outside and stood next to me.

"Okay Zane are you ready?" David smiled as he turned Zane back around.

"I'm scared" he replied laughing slightly

"Surprise!" David shouted as he took off Zanes blindfold.

Confused, Zane frowned as he realised nothing was in front of him.

David laughed as he spun him around.

The frown on Zanes face soon changed into a smile as he saw a six pack of Two Hats sitting on the table.

"Holy shit thanks!" He smiled looking at David.

"I didn't buy them" He smiled.

Zanes gaze turned to me.

"Wasn't me either" I laughed.

"Who bought them?" Zane frowned, once again getting confused

The back door swung open.

"Me bitch! And I bought plenty more!"

Zane spun around to look at the back door, his frown once again changing into a smile as he recognised the person standing in the doorway.

"Allie!" Zane shouted as he ran towards her before engulfing her into a giant hug.

Allie dropped the pack of beer she was holding as she hugged him back.

"Wooo!" I shouted as everyone else joined in with me.


"When'd Mariah get here?" Zane asked as we watched Allie and Mariah talk to Hidaya.

"She picked up Allie at the airport and brung her here" I replied laughing.

"Thanks man" He smiled, "Two seconds"

I nodded as he walked off and whispered something in Allies ear.

She laughed and nodded before they walked over to the same table David was standing on.

"Yo! Guys we got summit to say" Zane shouted, "Man it's even scarier when your up here"

We all laughed.

"So basically.."

What he said next non of us were expecting.


One more chapter boissss!!

ZaneHijazi;SocialMediaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon