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Toddy;dude I need to tell u summit

Zane;what's up?

Toddy;you know how me and Corinna broke up about three months ago?


Toddy;well I met another girl
Toddy;and I really like her man
Toddy;so I asked her to come with me this weekend

Zane;sweet man!
Zane;sucks I can't be there to meet her though

Toddy;you will when you get back
Toddy;what will I do if Corinna is there?

Zane;She can't exactly get mad at you
Zane;since she did end things with you so it wouldn't make sense
Zane;and I'm pretty sure she's seeing a guy

Toddy;I'll just ask David and see if he can add an extra person

Zane;nice bro
Zane;tell me how it goes

Toddy;will do
Toddy;thanks for the help
Toddy;love u bro

Zane;love u too

Posting chapters; 1/4

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