Just a Little Fun

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"Rose time to get up!"

Bang, one. Bang, two. Bang, three. Bang, four.

"Rose? Would you please get up?" I smiled softly to myself, and opened my eyes. The door opened slowly, and like every other morning, he stuck his head through the crack.

"Mornin" I said quietly, and he smiled. A quick glance at him revealed that he was wearing the blue suit today instead of the brown pinstriped. "Lemme guess, red converse today?"

He sighed, "They're maroon Rose. There's a difference."

"Maroon... Red... Same thing." I muttered crossly. His eyes widened, and he clutched his hands to his hearts in mock horror.

"How dare the young maiden be so dismissing of the attractiveness of maroon shoes?" I was impressed. He said that entire sentence with a straight face, but then again he's had over nine hundred years to hone his acting skills.

"I much would prefer pink." I smiled smugly. The playful look on his face immediately transformed into one of utter disgust.

"Pink! Pink? What kind of color is pink?" He shook his head as to rid himself of the horrible mental image of pink converse.

"A gorgeous one." I poked my tongue out of him, and proceeded to get out of bed. I walked to the closet and threw open the doors.

Maroon. Everywhere.

I turned to see him sitting on my bed. He pointed, he fell to the mattress, he let out a strangled sound, and proceeded to laugh his arse off at me.

I sighed in defeat and shut the closet door behind me. I grabbed a maroon pair of overalls, a maroon t-shirt, and the single pair of shoes on my usually-full shoe rack.

Maroon converse, hightop style.

Stupid, stupid tardis. I was going to have a talk with the darn machine.

I was sure I looked like an idiot.

That's when I heard a startled cry of surprise from outside the door, followed by a string of what could only be the dirtiest curses in an alien language, seeing that the tardis didn't translate them for me.

"What? What! What!" He called out in confusion. The light coming from the crack under the door had disappeared, and I only could assume that my bedroom was now shrouded in darkness. I waited, looking at the crack under the door, and wary of the shadows seeming to creep from the walls of the tiny space I was in.

Suddenly, the light was back, and the door I had been leaning upon fell open. I tumbled out, and landed in a heap on my familiar bedroom carpet.

"Rose." He whined.

"What?" I said, while wiping a few runaway strands of hair out of my face. I stood up, and turned to face him. "Doctor what happened befo--"

And then I was the one laughing.

From head to toe, converse included, he was covered in the most outrageous shade of pink imaginable. Not hot pink, or pink lemonade pink... But neon, showstopping pink.

It was like the tardis had dunked him in a vat of bleach, then into a huge barrel of neon dye.

His hair was pink. His skin was pink. His ears were pink. His manly-hairy-hands were pink.

"Doctor!" I managed to say through my bouts of uncontrollable giggles. He just looked so... Adorable, and huggable! Like a giant, pink, annoyed, but oh-so-cute porcupine.

"Did you just compare me to a porcupine?" He raised an eyebrow.

Holy god. Had I said that out loud?

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