• twenty-five

15 1 0

Park Nayeon's Diary

I suddenly remembered the old days in high school, when we actually bump into each other sometimes, when we have classes in lab.

I think it's the last year of high school?

At that time, Minseok and I are not that familiar with each other. We only knew each other through the first year of junior high, since we're in the same class, but after that we had never been in the same class, and we rarely meet each other.

And also we almost met each other for every recess time! In my last year of high-school, I was really busy with stuffs as a librarian, and pay visit to the library very often than usual.

I remember that Minseok went to library to do his homework as well, almost every recess.

I talked to Minseok about it, and he remembered it as well. He was studying in the first class for the last few years of high school, and according to what he said, he was kind of stressed out that time, so he sacrificed his recess time to revise in library.

Well, compared to me who just basically spent my whole last few years talking and playing around and only work hard when exams are near, Minseok is really hard-working.

He said that maybe it's all somehow written in the stars, that we oughted to be together in the end.

Honestly, I feel like this as well.

Maybe we're really destined to be together.

Written at 20th February 2019.

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