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Kim Minseok's Diary

Jongdae really did a great job in helping me. But I guess, I was quite obvious today? It's really contradictory, that I wish her to know, but at the same time I don't wish for her to know.

This is really my first time liking someone.

I walked her home today, our house are really in the same direction, like what Jongdae said, but mine was much nearer with the place they had their class gathering.

I'm really glad to see her smiling a lot today, and especially when she is talking to me.

I was surprised to know that she's a fan of Harry Potter. I always thought that she only read romance novels, cause that is what girls usually do, isn't it?

Of course, I know that not all girls only read romance novels, but well, I guess, most of them are.

Tomorrow is the school event that we work together. I hope that after that, in the future days, we can still get closer.

I wish to know her more.

Written at 2nd November 2018.

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