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Park Nayeon's Diary

Ahhhhhh! My first kiss!

I've never expected that kissing is like this. Minseok's lips is very very soft, and kinda sweet.

We went out for a Christmas date today, and bought a lot of stuffs, and also, shared our first kiss before I go back home.

I was unexpected for him to kiss me, honestly. I was just wondering that we've been dating for almost a month already, but we never did any other things other than hugging each other, holding hands.

We were just walking back to my home, and when it's just a few streets away my house, he pulled me into one of the alley and kissed me, unexpectedly.

I was shock at first, that I thought we wouldn't be having our first kiss until next year.

The alley was dark, but there's a lamppost there. The lamp was dim, adding the romantic feels.

I could tell that my face surely went all red after we shared the kiss, that Minseok teased me about it afterwards, when we continue our way to my house.

I told him that I love him, before I enter the house, and even gave him a peck.

I'll remember this forever, the first kiss I've ever had. The first kiss I shared with my first ever boyfriend, Minseok.

Written at 25th December 2018.


Author's Notes:

I'm so sorry for not updating! I literally forgot about it and I was preparing for one of my exams today. I have to put in a lot of effort to prepare for it in order to do well :) it ended now and well I still have an exam next week 😭

Haven't write for a few days already and I'm running out of chapters to post real soon 😭 have to work hard on it 😭

I'll update slower anyways :)

- Jocelyn

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