Season Two :⎟ Chapter II ⎟

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Sidd knelt down with a banquet of roses on his hand.

Avu was in awe as she looked straight into Sidd's eyes.

Sidd : Avu, my life is wonderful because you are part of it. Your smile lightens my life, making all my sadness to fade away. Your love has made me crazy. I will love you till the end of my life.

My eyes searches for you when you are not around me. My heart aches when I don't find you. You are always on my mind and all the time I keep on thinking of you. Come to me, hold my hand and then never leave it. I want to spend my life with you, and to walk beside you. All I want is to be with you all my life.

You are like a medicine to me. When I see you smiling, it gives relief to my pains. When I think of you, I understand the meaning of life. When you are with me, everything looks beautiful and I feel happy. When you hug me,it makes me forget everything. You are the reason of my happiness. You are my first and last love. I love you so much.

You blessed me with a daughter, the one I have always wanted. And now I want you to bless me with something.

Avu,will you marry me?

Sidd asked as he took the box from his pocket and as he opened, there was a silver shining diamond ring.

Avu : Oh my god! Yes, Sidd.

Avu smiled with no hesitation.

A loud noise came in from the audience, and bells ringing.

Sidd slid down the ring on her finger as the crowd cheered.

Sidd smiled and got up and kissed Avu,softly and sweetly with all his love.

"You made me the happiest man alive." He whispered in her ear.

"And you made me the happiest girl alive." She replied back to him.

Avu : I love you, Sidd.

Sidd : I love you too, future Mrs. Nigam.

After the proposal, they had a dinner, and Sidd cracked up bad jokes, and shayri (like In Aladdin) which made Avu laugh so hard that her stomach hurts.

Then, they went to pick Sami from her aunt's house, but she was already asleep so Sidd carried her to the car.

After 10 minutes, Sidd carried Sami all the way to her room and put her down slowly,making sure she didn't wake up. Then, he covered Sami with the soft princess duvet and kissed her forehead before leaving the room.

At Sidd and Avu's room

Avu's POV:

Finally, he came into our room.

I'm sprawled out underneath the covers of his bed.

"Found you," he says, while slowly closing the door.

"Wasn't hard was it?" I smirk. He pauses and looks at me. My clothes on the floor except for my underwear.

I get out of his bed and walk over to him.

He tries to kiss me,

"No. Not yet." I tease. I pull his shirt over his head and push him hard onto the bed.

He sinks down into the mattress. I fall gracefully on the bed next to him and sink into the pillows before straddling his hips.

He goes to sit up, but I push him back down.
"Avu-" I cut him off by kissing his lips. He kisses back, his hands come up to my neck and hair. I pull away. I grab his hands gently and place them back down by his sides.

"No touching," I whisper.

"That's not fair." He sulks.
"Shh." I bring my finger up to his lips and kiss him again.

It's a slow process but I want to enjoy it, but most of all, I want him to enjoy it. I stop kissing his lips and move to his jawline, neck, and collarbone. Kissing every inch, I can feel the struggle to keep his hands can feel the struggle to keep his hands down. I place soft butterfly kisses down his chest and abs.

"Avu." He whispers my name. I can hear and feel the desperation to use his hands and the willpower it's taking him not to.

I sit up, still straddling him and gently take his hands a place them on my hips.
"Your turn," I whisper into his ear and bite his earlobe. His hands instantly flip me over violently. He buries his head into my neck and his hands rove all over my body.

Our breathing then becomes rough and fast.
"You're irresistible." He says while kissing my chest. His hand comes up to my bra and doesn't attempt to undo the strap. He grabs the middle and yanks.

I hear the fabric rip and gasp at what he just did. "Shh," he says. Tonight is just unforgettable. He took all of me this time, savored every moment.

In the morning

*Sidd phone rings*

Sidd : Hmmm... Who is calling at this hour.

Sidd answered the phone, without looking the name.


Sidd jumped out of his bed.

Sidd : Mom?!

To be continued.....

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