Lesson 7- Sometimes you have to live with your problems

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So, this month has been terrible overall for me. First, I had a health and social care exam which stressed me out SO much. Then, me and 'Liam' kept arguing alot towards the beginning of the month. Then, I was TWO WEEKS late for my period and wow, that was a scary time. But then me and my parents had a big argument because of my:
•'bad hygiene'
•'untidy room'
•'selfish arrogant attitude'
•'cruelty to animals'

So, let me just explain something to you.

When he said 'bad hygiene', he meant not cleaning my teeth on a night. My parents both go to bed at around 9pm-9:30pm. I go to bed at about 11-12pm. I don't brush my teeth until I actually go to bed so when they check to see if I've brushed my teeth by touching my toothbrush to see if it's wet (yes, they do this) its not going to be wet as I clean them LATER in the night but apparently they don't trust me enough to understand that.

And when my dad says 'untidy bedroom', he's not exactly lying. My bedroom is always messy but to be honest, most teenagers' bedrooms are messy as we have better things to do such as go to our friends' house or do homework or revise for an upcoming test or exam. But yet, my dad seems to think I'm the only person in the WORLD that has a messy bedroom.

And when my dad says my 'selfish arrogant attitude' he means once when I stood up for myself.
My dad is a prick. He blames me for pretty much EVERYTHING.
So, a while back, my dad went to empty the bin and it ended up tearing and rubbish went everywhere. That was my fault because I didn't empty it. He never told me to empty it and I hadn't used the bin to see if it was full or not. My mum makes my dad dinner EVERYDAY so all of the food that was in the bin was ACTUALLY from my mum making his dinner. A while ago, I was in a really bad place and I made a noose and long story short, I put it under my pillow and when my parents found it, they literally shouted at me just because I 'stressed them out'. They didn't question my health or my mental state, they just shouted at me because I stressed them out. Also, my dad smacked my back side once for no reason. He moved my shoes and I simply asked him where they were and he said in the lobby so I turned the lobby light on and looked up to see if it was working and then, he smacked my butt. Then, he judges everything I eat and I don't feel like I can even eat around him anymore. So as you can probably tell, anger was building up inside of me so whenever I had the chance to be less nice to him, I was.

Also, when my dad said my 'cruelty to animals' he meant not feeding them. And I know that sounds bad, but hear me out. I was at 'Liam's' house and I went straight from school to his. When I got home from his house, I told my parents I was home and my dad told me to feed my chinchillas (he was already annoyed at me because apparently it had been empty all day (I checked it before school and it was full so what else could I have done)) so anyway, I just said 'ok, I'm just going to the toilet and getting changed and then i'll do it' so I went and did that and after I got changed, I forgot what I was going to do. I saw my English homework and I assumed that was what I was going to do so then my parents got really annoyed at me for not feeding them. And apparently THAT THERE LADIES AND GENTLEMAN is CRUELTY TO ANIMALS.

So all of this STUFF I had been doing caused my dad to send me a message, having a go at me and then he sent this on the end of the message:

So all of this STUFF I had been doing caused my dad to send me a message, having a go at me and then he sent this on the end of the message:

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So now, it's Wednesday 29th May 2019 and I haven't spoken to him since Wednesday 22nd May 2019. A WHOLE WEEK.
And to be honest, it has made me feel so much less stressed out. But then yesterday, I came home from my nannas house and guess what?
I honestly cried all bloody day. They sold MY pets and I didn't even get an option in it. So thats fun. So so fun. Anyway, on a brighter note, 'Jade' and I went to see Olly Murs preform on Thursday so that was fun. But yeah. I've had a terrible week. Month. Year. Life?
Meh, probably not.

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