Lesson 4- Emotions are nocturnal

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They come out in the dead of the night and attack when nobody is there to protect you or save you. Their sharp claws scratch your eyes, forcing you to cry. They catch the most venerable. Emotions suck. 'Liam' is watching a film on his phone with his brother so I can't message him. None of my friends actually want to talk to me anymore. My parents are the least reliable people ever and I'm no where NEAR close with my siblings. I'm running low on happiness so it has come down to Wattpad to save the day. I'm just typing, reading my words to myself to feel less alone. Is that sad? Who am I kidding, of corse it is. Most of you will think 'omg, this girl will do anything for attention' but really, I'm just typing my feelings onto this page. My actual only girl friend that actually likes me at the minute is 'Jade'. I slept at her house last night to escape my prison of a home. But yeah, at the minute, she's probably asleep. My head always seems to be filled with emotions on a nigh-time. I don't know if it's the same for you or not, but it is for me. But anyway, thats the end of LESSON 4- EMOTIONS ARE NOCTURNAL.

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