
23 1 1

My eyes widened as I saw the horrible sight before me. Sandy's stomach was covered in bruises and scratches. I looked at Hannah my head boiling with rage.

"How do you feel now Hannah?" asked someone in the crowd.

Hannah's eyes narrowed in defeat. "I guess you're not on drugs," muttered Hannah loud enough for only Sandy and I to hear. Hannah leaned over and whispered something in Sandy's ear. She stalked off out of the theater. Rude remarks following her out.

"Are you ok?" I asked. She was trembling.

She smiled up at me. "I'm fine." she muttered.

"Come with me." I said softly.

Her eyes rose as I said this. I held out my hand and smiled kindly. "Relax." I said reassuringly. "I only want to take you out for coffee."

Sandy's eyes lit up and she followed him. What about rehearsal?" She asked quietly.

I stumbled at my stupidity. I had forgotten all about rehearsal. I grabbed out my good old brick phone and sent a text to everyone in the orchestra.

Rehearsal is canceled this week. Go home and rest up.

I read through the text. Once I was satisfied I sent it. Every ones phone buzzed. People began to leave slowly. Occasionally looking back at Sandy and I with a puzzled or knowing look on their faces. I grabbed Sandy's arm and took her outside. "Now where would you like to go to coffee?" I asked happy to be outside.

"Well I know this really nice cafe." She replied quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2012 ⏰

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