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Come six o'clock I walk through the double sliding doors at the hotel. I walk up to the lobby desk and find Zoe sitting there bobbing away to some music playing from the laptop at the front desk.

"Oh hey boss lady! Long night eh?" She smirks looking me up and down. My leggings and baggy T-shirt aren't my usual business attire.

"I'm not your boss anymore Zoe, just your bestfriend."

"Not my boss anymore? What are you talking about? What is going on?" She jumps off her stool and quickly sprints around the desk once she is in front of me she is looking at me her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Oh. My. God." She looks passed me her eyes widen and her jaw drops to the floor. I turn my head to where she is looking and right on que Luca and Pierre come walking through the lobby doors.

"He's your boss."

"Holy shit!" She gasped once he was standing right in front of me. I spent all day going over the events from the past twenty four hours and I've started to process everything but I realize it's insane but I'm starting to grasp everything.

"Zoe. Olivia." Pierre nods once signaling hello to each of us. Zoe blushes and bats her eyelashes flirty.

"Hey Pierre." She purrs waving hello and he winks at her a genuine smile forming on his face.

"Liv." For a moment I had forgotten why I was here in the first place. Seeing Pierre and Zoe flirting was a surprise. When did this happen?

"Right, lets go to your office."

"Zoe, come over for dinner? I'll call the other girls too. I need my friends right now." Maybe talking to them will help clear my head. Maybe they can give me some advice and even if not just having them around will be helpful enough.

"Forget that, I'll leave as soon as your done. I'll have Zach fill in, I'll call him now. Meet me here when you're done." I nod and turn on my heel and walk towards my office well technically Lucas. Once inside I wait for him and Pierre to come in and then I shut the door behind them.

"Here are the deeds to your companies. They are still in your name. I didn't have the heart to change them into mine so that makes this easier. Also I had everything from all companies downloaded to this iPad. Going back and forth so many things fell through the cracks so this was the easiest way for me to keep up with everything. It's all in the folders on there. It's pretty self explanatory but I'll help you if you need me to." I handed him the manilla folder with all the paperwork in it and the handed him the iPad.

"Thank you Liv."

"You're welcome." I nod once fidgeting with my fingertips, my worse habit. My nerves and anxiety were scattery like a million little ants feasting on a scrap of food.

"What will you do now? Take back your old job here at the hotel?" He asks sounding genuinely concerned.

"No I gave my old job to Zoe and I will not take it from her. Don't you dare mess with her job Luca. I will find something else." I point warning eyes at him. If he messes with her job it will be the last straw holding me together.

"Why don't you just keep the hotel and run it? I know this is your favorite place to be. You're here the most. Zoe is here it may do you some good." He suggests and I contemplate what he is saying and he is right I am here the most but I can't accept that.

"Thank you Luca, maybe later. Right now I need to find a way to take care of myself. I will find my own job. I will stay at the apartment though."

"It's your apartment Olivia, I wouldn't make you leave. Whatever you need consider it yours. If you need a job or money just let me know, whatever you need. I'll always take care of you Olivia."

"Thank you." I ignore my insides turning to mush. It's so easy to get sucked back into him but I won't allow myself to, not yet maybe not even ever.

"Now you." I turn my attention to Pierre who has his head hung low in shame.

"I'm mad at you the most! You are the one who told me he was dead!" I grabbed the first thing I could which was a wireless computer mouse and chunked it at him hitting him in the shoulder. His head snapped up glaring at me but I keep going.

"You carried me to the apartment and watched me fall apart! You know how broken I was! And you said NOTHING! You drive me around everyday and carry on like it's no big deal!" I yell and grab something else and throw it at him it was a pen holder full of pens and pencils which hits him in the chest and pens go flying everywhere.

"Olivia look I'm sorry, okay? I know it was fucked up and I shouldn't have agreed to it but you and I have gotten closer this last year and I actually consider you my friend, I don't want to lose that." He begged and my heart tightened. We have gotten closer he is right about that.

"We got close because of your connection to him. You helped me through losing him but look he is standing here in the flesh. It was all a lie because a friend wouldn't do what you did, you piece of shit!" I throw something else at him and by the time I'm done I collapse to the ground crying. This is too much to bare my heart hurts with betrayal and I'm not sure how to deal with it. I may be being dramatic but I don't know how else to react.

Luca crouched down in front of me tears pooling in his eyes he wraps his arms around me and whispers soothing words rubbing my back. I felt my body loosen in relief from his touch I sat there for a long time enjoying his touch, his arms around me. I felt safe and protected, I felt at home for the first time in a year.

"I'm going to go." I reluctantly push away from him needing space or I'll allow myself to fall back into him.

"Just give me space that's all I need right now." I whisper my voice came out hoarse. I push myself to walk out of that office. Today I confronted my dad and Pierre. It's been a rough day but from now on I will work on myself. I will build myself back up with or without Luca.

Mafia Collateral: The Calm After The StormDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora