Sapphires and Diamonds

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A timid knock on the door from one of the handmaidens breaks the moment and I shush Eros silently by holding up my index finger. "Yes?"

"Poseidon has requested your presence for his midday meal."

I hold in my sigh. "Please send in Eros' nanny to keep him occupied in my absence." I simply answer as neutrally as I can to not appear too reluctant to be in their King's presence.

The door quietly opens and Mira, Eros' favourite nymph companion comes in. "Hello my little God, how are you doing today?"

I smile through my teeth and pass his hand to hers. "He needs a bath, Mira, if you don't mind."

"Well, of course!" She turns to Eros and leans down with excitement in her eyes. "I never mind helping out my little guy! Isn't that right, Eros?"

My frozen smile stays just as fakely plastered on my face as I give her my usual warning. "Thank you, Mira, but keep in mind, in no realm, or domain, or universe is he "your little guy".

Her smile disappears. "Yes, I apologize yet again, my lady. It just slips out sometimes."

"I know. He's irresistible. Who knows, maybe a few years from now, you'll be begging for his hand in marriage. Who knows what goes on in your head, but don't forget you're just here to do a job." I finish off, unable to hold back my protective sharp claws. I can't seem to hold it back when it comes to anyone else showing affection towards just terrifies me at the thought of him leaving me too in the arms of some idiotic woman. He could have anyone...and he only deserves the best, not some servant girl!

"I would never-" Mira stutters, her cheeks blushing scarlet.

"Good. Now, Eros." I lean down to my son and give him an affectionate kiss on the cheek. "Don't disappear on Mira. Can you do that for me?"

"I won't." Eros pouts sadly.

I wink and lean in to brush his hair back, actually whispering a little joke between us in his ear. "Only once for one minute, okay?" I say mischievously with a wink.

He nods excitedly, not uttering a word.

"Good. I'll see you in a few hours, my sweet." I say before closing the door behind me. I then walk down the icy blue hallway. The walls are adorned with portraits of Poseidon as he is a very ragged, but vain man. Pictures of other Goddesses he admires also line the walls as well as other displays of his riches such as sapphire and diamond chandeliers and glass cases with even larger jewels laid out in them.

I ignored them all mostly, but today, I admire them.

It might be nice to wear some of them...only if I give in to what he wants and become more of a permanent guest than a temporary live-in woman of interest and pity.

But I shouldn't. I can't give in to temptations or give up.

I enter the dining room to see Poseidon already digging into his unusually fish-packed dinner, a squid practically still alive on his plate.

"Don't worry, I prepared something else for you." He chuckles at my facial reaction.

I sit down in front of my leafy salad, as this is the only thing he appears to think I eat. "I'll take some bread too." I request blankly with a small hint of a smile.

"Of course." He winks at me as the servants leave to retrieve an assortment of it. 

"Did you give Mira a hard time again?" Poseidon inquires with a small smile. 

"Not at all. When do I ever?" I tilt my head curiously in denial.

"Ever since you convinced yourself everyone is scheming to steal your boy away. You don't need to worry too much you know, he's not even fully grown yet." He reassures seriously. 

"He will be right before my eyes, trust me," I reply playfully. "And over my dead body will any pathetic little girl enchant him." 

"You know, we can't choose who our children love or even who we love sometimes." 

"I am the Goddess of love, I surely hope I have some say in it." I snap back before quickly composing myself. "Besides, I plan to keep him as secluded as I can until the time is right to find him a wife. I just discovered he can even turn invisible now at will, that is surely a convenient thing now that I think about it."  

"Oh, wow." He appears briefly surprised. "Even without that ability, this is an excellent place for it." He gestures to our surroundings. "It is much more private than Olympus and there are no mortals to be seen unless they're on a ship above our heads. The only other place more secluded would be the damn Underworld." 

I hum thoughtfully to myself. "Well, perhaps I should get in touch with Hades, just in case." I smile innocently while Poseidon scowls at the mention of his brother. 

"Why do people even mention him anymore. Who knows what he even looks like now, it's been so long. He might not even be handsome anymore and besides, he's head over heels in love with Persephone, it's ridiculous." He rants before I cut him off. 

"I never said handsome. In fact, you brought his domain up in the first place." I tilt my head again, challenging him once more. 

He groans. "Fine, your quick wits win once again...moving on. You know this domain is perfectly fine to keep him hidden. No one probably even cares about him anymore. I mean his father is still nowher-" 

"Don't mention his father." My jaw tightens immediately and he stops just as quickly. 

He holds up his hands defensively. "Alright. It's just that he still hasn't settled. He's been on the move, not once checking in. I think it's best to just forget about him and-" 

I shake my head and take an aggressive bite into my bread. "I'd like to eat now." 

Poseidon sighs heavily and finishes his meal silently, not looking up once again until his plate is clean and taken away. "I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to Olympus for the introduction of another child. Perhaps, you might like to arrange a soulmate of sorts for this one?" 

I freeze, considering this. I had always turned him down before. In fact, I refused to even acknowledge him asking until this moment. 

"You might be interested in this child. It was produced from one of your most famous and controversial matches." Poseidon attempts to entice me. "The child is born of Persephone and Hades. No one thought they'd ever see the day the Lord of the Underworld would have a child of his own, but you made it possible." 

I set down my fork, a slight warming of my heart starting within my chest. "I'll go." I decide impulsively. "I will not speak to anyone but I will go." 

I've been cramped down here for too long to think clearly...

Poseidon smiles. "Oh, I am so glad to hear that." 

"I am not going as your date either," I warn him. "Also, I want a new dress. I don't want them to even believe their eyes the moment I walk in." 

"Oh, they won't anyhow, no matter what you're wearing." Poseidon laughs. "Besides, I don't think you can think of an outfit that could be any more shocking than the day you strutted in there naked." 

"Oh, yes, I can." I smile proudly. "You'll see, I'll sparkle just as bright as all your sapphires and diamonds combined." 

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