As time stretched on, the stars that had initially guided her path disappeared into the darkness overhead, leaving Y/n enveloped in an inky blackness that seemed to press in from all sides. She extended her arms tentatively, feeling her way through the void, her senses on high alert for any sudden movements or sounds that might indicate the presence of unseen creatures lurking in the shadows. With each stumble or startle from the hoot of an unknown creature, she gritted her teeth against the discomfort, refusing to acknowledge the growing number of cuts and bruises adorning her bare feet, each step sending a sharp sting shooting through her.

Despite the unease creeping into her heart, Y/n pressed onward, her own humming serving as a feeble attempt to drown out the small voice of dread whispering in the back of her mind. Alone in the darkness, she couldn't shake the realization that there was no one else out here, no friendly faces to offer reassurance or guidance.

Her thoughts drifted back to Japan, where she had spent most of her days cloistered within the confines of her room, avoiding the outside world whenever possible. The mere thought of venturing beyond the familiar walls of her sanctuary had always filled her with a sense of unease, yet there had always been a lingering longing for something more, something beyond the confines of her own solitude. And now, here in BC Sol, amidst the vast expanse of wilderness, she found herself experiencing a strange sense of liberation, venturing out alone into the unknown depths of the forest in the dead of night—or was it early morning? She hazarded a guess that it must be well past 2 am, though the exact hour seemed inconsequential in the midst of her solitary journey.

"Are you done being a reckless idiot?" A recognisable voice, tinged with unmistakable irritation, called out from behind.

Y/n's heart leaped into her throat, and she spun around, stumbling backward slightly and wincing as a sharp pain shot through her foot. Her pulse raced like a drumbeat echoing through the silent forest, and she couldn't shake the feeling that every rustle of leaves and whisper of wind was magnifying the sound. She wanted to convince herself that she wasn't scared, just startled by Free's sudden appearance. But why was he here, of all places? The question lingered in her mind as she squinted into the darkness, trying to discern his expression, but his features remained obscured by the shadows. However, the edge in his voice left no doubt that he was thoroughly aggravated.

"What are you doing here?!" she shot back, instinctively taking a step back from his looming figure.

Free snorted in exasperation. "You really are stupid, aren't you?" Before Y/n could unleash a torrent of retorts to bite off his head , he swiftly silenced her with a finger pressed against her lips, his tone growing more irritated. "I was ensuring that you didn't end up lost and wandering aimlessly through this dense, unforgiving forest. Do you have any idea how vast and treacherous these woods are? You'd be nothing but rot for the snakes if you got lost out here!"

Y/n pursed her lips in anger against Free's finger before quickly  pushing his hand away. As much as she hated to admit it, he had a point. She struggled to find the right words to express her conflicting emotions; on one hand, she was grateful that he had followed her to ensure her safety, but on the other hand, his demeanor towards her rubbed her the wrong way, even though she knew she had been acting recklessly.

Focusing on the stinging cuts on her foot, Y/n forced herself to speak up, her voice barely above a mumble. "I never asked you to follow..." she trailed off, the weight of her own stubbornness heavy on her tongue.

Instead of a response, Free's dark figure leaned in closer, and Y/n felt her cheeks flush with heat as she instinctively took a step back. But before she could retreat any further, Free's hand gripped her thigh firmly, holding her in place and sending a jolt of electricity through her veins.

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