Chapter Three - The Flower Knight

Start from the beginning

The royals were very formal looking today. Lyonel and his siblings all wore their coronets. Joffrey's was gold, as the crown prince, decorated with rich stones. Lyonel was silver with only one onyx stone in the middle and small deer antlers, Tommens was similar but with more stones and his deer antlers repeated along the whole things, Myrcella's meanwhile was a lot more feminine with flower patterns embroided on the steel and beautiful jewels sparkling with every turn of her head.

Apart from their heads they were all dressed as formally as possible. Joffrey appeared in blue with lion head patterns, Myrcella is a stunning magenta dress and Tommen in rich red. Lyonel had his typical favorite champagne colour with some Stag details.

Sansa in forest green sat near them in high priority, with her Septa and her friend Jeyne Poole. Arya had disappeared after breakfast and was not present at all. Lyonel sat with Aeron who was always allowed in the special seating as Lyonel's guard. He was aware that he didn't really need a guard like Aeron around him all the time, he was completely capable of defending himself, but it was an effective excuse for the two friends to hang out without problems.

The competition was pretty standard for the first next rounds. Lyonel was looking over at his father who was very quickly downing wine after wine throughout the evening. He hated when his father got drunk, he became a nasty person when he did so.

Aeron was watching but stayed untouched, had said before that he thinks of jousting as a boring affair and would much rather see real fights.

However the next round was anything but boring.

It was that beast of a man the Mountain against a poor man from the Vale. It seemed that the smaller man had not fastened his gorget. The Mountain's lance went under it and broke leaving it's top plunged through the knights throat. Everyone around Lyonel screamed and gasped as it happened, several ladies started crying including Jeyne Poole. The Vale Knight laid gurgling as thick blood came rushing out. Lyonel looked away, he had seen people die before but not innocent ones, it made his hate for the the Mountain grow even more. Aeron on the other hand was finally entertained, felt bad for the injured man but couldn't deny it made things a lot more interesting.

He looked down to Littlefinger who was sitting beside Sansa.

"Lord Baelish" He called.

The man's grey-green eyes turned to meet the lilac-blue of Aeron's eyes.

"Ser Aeron" He greeted politely turning to have a better view "What can I do for you?"

Aeron chuckled "Are you still taking odds on the results?"

Littlefinger smirked "Who are your odds for?"

Aeron thought for a moment "300 golden dragons on Beric Dondarrion winning next round but losing the one after"

The older man raised his eyebrows "That's a risky move and a hefty price"

"And we're prosperous men" He laughed "Are you betting?"

Littlefinger took out a bag of gold and bowed his head.

Aeron waited till he turned away to lean over to Lyonel.

"Hey, do you have 300 golden dragons I could borrow?"

Lyonel was watching the whole thing half-amused and knowing exactly what would happen. He took out his own bag of money and handed it to Aeron. As a personal guard to a Prince he didn't get paid in money because he already had all he needed in the Red Keep. Simply put, Aeron had no income, Lyonel knew he was not getting that money back if Beric lost.

A few more matches went down. Beric Dondarrion's horse was killed in his match with a hedge knight which meant Beric won automatically, just to get knocked off from his new horse by Thoros of Myr. Aeron collected his dragon's smugly.

A Tale of Stags and Lions - Mine is the Fury (Game of Thrones)Where stories live. Discover now